For each module we refer to the corresponding project page
a machine learning library for autmomated learning on geo data and time series.
time series analysis library for statistical properties calculation and forecasts
geomadi is a library for spatial operations
Reinforcement learning + Monte Carlo and Markov chains for polymer/path systems
expose different routing/optimization microservices
is a collection of utils for web automation and crowlers
Collection of utils for developing
exposed end points
worker configuration
cache borker/worker communication
proxy and redirect ports
serial solution
resequence points per agent
clusterize areas
worker task
return current state
return current state routific format
publish curent solution
kill worker
create a microservice with routing information between two spots
Create, simplify, merge... graphs
Prior and posterior probabilities, Metropolis acceptance, moves
Interact with all backend microservices and display paths and scores
Theory behind the optimization engine
Services calling the endpoints
calculation of the activation potential and unit revenue
Read more...Use Monte Carlo Markov chain for a faster covergency
Read more...Comparison between different optimization engines and score definition
Read more... "quotation"
- tizio -
list of the technologies required
statistical physics
backend services