Ant - agent/network intelligence
ants optimizing paths on a network
antani concept schema
To deploy the engine we set up the hypervisor create and link different containers and check the routing and the services
sudo yum -y install httpd php libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev
sudo systemctl restart httpd.service
docker run -it --link redis1:redis --name $imgName -p $PORT:$PORT -v $(pwd):/$APP_DIR $imgName bash
curl $SERVER/antani
curl $SERVER/ant
deployment of antani
baseUrl : $SERVER/antani
Here is the list of end points and methods
- post/get: checking the server/conf
- post: change configuration/longtask
- post: start the long process/status
- get: current status of the process/worker/solve
post: start worker and returns job_id
(routific format)/jobs
- get: returns status/solution (routific format)/publish
- get: solution is published (after manual inspection)/simplify
- post: simplify the route/process
- get: start serial routine/solution
- get: return published solutionTo try out:
curl http://$URL/antani/simplify -d @src/ui/antani_viz/data/sol_routific.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"
curl http://$URL/antani/solution --header "Content-Type: application/json"
curl http://$URL/antani/solve -d @raw/opt/job_winter.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"
To visualize and edit the solution we have created a frontend
$type: "POST",
url: url,
data: JSON.stringify(data),
success: function(json) {
if(Object.keys(geom).length !== 0){
= json;
sol = formatData(sol);
geom = geom.spotL;
spotL = geom.pathL;
pathL refreshLayer(spotL);
}error: function(xhr, status, error) {console.log(status + '; ' + error);}
; })
To avoid the browser to stop requests we have to redirect the calls on the server or client side
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource
The jsonp options requires a lot of reingeneering and we opt for the apache solution. After a lot of trial and errors the only option working for ubuntu and centos is a proxy:
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /antani http://localhost:5000
ProxyPassReverse /antani http://localhost:5000
We create a flask app
= Flask(__name__) app
Where we can send the modified json
def route_simplify():
print("parsing/converting solution")
= request.get_json()
sol = dict2frame(sol)
spotL, pathL = p_o.pathOpt(spotL,pathL=pathL,conf=conf)
pO print("simplify - calc distances")
= pO.simplifyRoute(spotL)
spotL1 = pO.calcDistance()
pathL1 'solution'] = frame2dict(spotL1,pathL1)
solD[return '', 204
and request the optimized solution
def get_solution():
return jsonify(solD['solution'])
Which can be called via a get request
We create a celery
forum tips for killing
To complete the loop between optEn, backend and frontend we suggest the following data structure
data structure
The solution is written on a s3 bucket
= lambda obj, f: s3.Object(key=f).put(bytes(json.dumps(obj).encode('UTF-8')))
json.dump_s3 json.dump_s3(solJ,jobN)
The lambda reads the solution from s3 and returns it
= lambda f: json.load(s3.Object(key=f).get()["Body"])
json.load_s3 = json.load_s3(jobN)
post return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(post)
We create a lambda and connect it with the api gateway
lambda and api gateway
and we created the resources and methods for enabling the call
api gateway
We stardadize the script
aws lambda create-function --function-name $APP_NAME --zip-file fileb:// --role $ARN_ROLE --environment Variables="{bucket_name="$BUCKET"}" --handler index.handler --runtime python3.6
echo '{"jobN":"job_s592_v9_sol.json"}' > post.json
aws lambda invoke --function-name $APP_NAME --payload fileb://post.json outputfile.json
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name $APP_NAME > $APP_NAME.create.log
We can than perform a post request and test it
curl -v -X POST \
'' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-amz-docs-region: eu-central-1' \
-d '{"jobN":"job_s592_v9_sol.json"}' > sol.json
moving to chalice.