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VarDatFile Class Reference

Reads and stores a data file to be elaborated via Matematica. More...

#include <VarDatFile.h>

Inheritance diagram for VarDatFile:

Public Member Functions

 VarDatFile (char *file, int NBin)
 Moltiplication factor for a scaled set (MediaMob) More...
 VarDatFile (int ExtNMax, int ExtNVar, int ExtNBin)
 Allocate the vector with a given size.
 VarDatFile (double **ExtSt, int ExtNMax, int ExtNVar, int ExtNBin)
 Point to the already allocated vector.
 VarDatFile (char **FileList, int *Pos, int NFile, int Values)
 Load list.
 ~VarDatFile ()
int Aggiungi (char *file)
 Add the content of the file into the memory.
int FileInfo (FILE *InFIle, int *NCol)
 Reads information contained in the file.
int ReadLine (char *cLine, double *Value)
 Reads a single line.
int ReadLine (FILE *InFile, const char *Format,...)
 Is it working?
int ElabSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax)
 Do a generic elaboration.
MOMENTI DistrSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax, int IfNorm)
 Distribution of a signal.
MOMENTI DistrLogSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax, int IfNorm)
 Logarithmic distribution of a signal.
MOMENTI DistrExpSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax, int IfNorm)
 Exponential distribution of a signal.
MOMENTI DistrSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax, double *Border, int IfNorm)
 Distribution of a signal.
MOMENTI DistrSignErr (int NElMin, int NElMax, double *Border, int IfNorm)
 Distribution of a signal with error.
MOMENTI DistrGaussSegnale (int ElMin, int ElMax, int IfNorm)
 Tests a gaussian distribution of the signal.
MOMENTI WeightAverageSet (int CoordY, int ElMin, int ElMax)
 Weighted distribution.
void DistrSignSample (int ElMin, int ElMax, double **Distr, int NSample, int IfNorm, double *xBound)
 Distributions of data organized in different samples.
int SpettroSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax)
 Calculate the spectrum.
void SpeLine (int ElMin, int ElMax, int NBin, double *Spe)
 Spectrum of a sequence of lines.
int NormalizzaSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax)
 Normalize the signal.
int NormalizzaInter ()
 Normalize the intervals.
bool RadiceSegnale ()
 Transforms the signal into its square root.
int AutocorSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax)
 Autocorrelation of the signal.
double SumSegnale (int CoordY, int NElMin, int NElMax)
 Sum the values between ElMin and ElMax.
double IntSegnale ()
 Numerical integration of the signal.
void SommaSegnali ()
 Sums all the yCoordinates.
void AverageOrdinate (int ElMin, int ElMax, double *Distr, double *xBound)
 Average of all ordinate.
void Punta (int n)
 Points to a different column.
void Punta (double **ExtSt, int n)
 Points to an external pointer, probably not working.
void Punta (double *sp, int n)
 Point an external pointer to the private memory.
void PuntaInt (double *sp)
 Point the internal pointer to an external memory.
void DerivataSegnale ()
 Points the function Elab to the derivative, probably not working.
void VarieSegnale ()
 Points the function Elab to the square gradient, probably not working.
void ModuloSegnale ()
 Points the function Elab to the module, probably not working.
double VarieSegnale (int NElMin, int NElMax)
 A generic function to be edit.
RETTA InterRettSegnale (int CoordY, int NElMin, int NElMax, int LogLog)
 Computes a liner fit.
RETTA InterExpSegnale (int CoordY, int NElMin, int NElMax, int LogLog)
 Computes a exponential fit.
MOMENTI InterGaussSegnale (int CoordY, int NElMin, int NElMax, int LogLog)
 Computes a Gaussian fit.
PARABOLA ParabolaSegnale (int CoordY, int NElMin, int NElMax, int LogLog)
 Computes a parabolic fit.
int MediaMobSegnale (int)
 Running average.
int WeightHistoSign (int NHisto)
 Weighted histogram analysis. More...
int CorrelaADuePunti (int dist)
 To point correlation at a distance dist.
void AutosimilaritaSegnale (int)
void CambiaNBin (int)
 Reallocate the pointer dInter dInter1.
void CambiaPunti ()
 Copies Punti in Punti1 to store the information of the already elaborated array, to be fixed.
void Print ()
 Prints the content in memory.
void Sort ()
 Sort with respect to a coordinate.
void ScriviPunti (char *file)
 Writes the content of the elaborated array.
void ScriviFile (char *file, int CoordY, int LogLog, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Writes the content of the pointed vector.
void ScriviTutto (char *file, int LogLog, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Writes all the content in memory.
void RescaleToBulk (char *FName)
 Rescale to bulk.
void ExportTxvl (char *FName, int NElMin, int NElMax)
 Export in the txvl file format.
void TecPlot (char *FName)
 Export a contour plot.
void PuntiAlloc ()
 Allocates. More...
void PuntiFree ()
 Free Punti if it is allocated.
int pNVar ()
 Print the number of variables.
int pNMax ()
 Print the maximum number of data in the array.
int pNRow (int CoordY)
 Print the maximum number of data for the column.
void pGlobBorder (double *xMin, double *xMax, double *yMin, double *yMax)
 Print global borders.
double Val (int CoordY, int n)
 Value at the position. More...
double Abscissa (int CoordY, int n)
 Value of the Abscissa at position. More...
double pPunti (int n)
 Value of the elaborated array at position. More...
double pPuntiErr (int n)
 Value of the error array at postion. More...
void pMinMaxGlob (int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Find the borders globally.
double pMaxGlob (int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the maximum of all sets.
double pMinGlob (int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the minimum of all sets.
double pxMinGlob (int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the abscissa minimum of all sets.
double pxMaxGlob (int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the abscissa maximum of all sets.
double pMax (int CoordY, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the maximum of the column. More...
double pMin (int CoordY, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the minimum of the column. More...
double pMaxGlobLog (int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the maximum of all sets.
double pMinGlobLog (int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the minimum of all sets.
double pMaxLog (int CoordY, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the maximum of the column. More...
double pMinLog (int CoordY, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Print the minimum of the column. More...
double pInter (int n)
 Print the postion. More...
double pError (int n)
 Print the postion. More...
double pInter1 (int n)
 Print the postion. More...
double PuntiMin ()
 Print the minimum of. More...
double PuntiMax ()
 Print the maximum of. More...
int IsAbscissa (int Col)
 If the column is an ascissa.
int pRefAbsc (int Col)
 If the column is an ascissa.
int pSetNMax (int Col)
 If the column is an ascissa.
int IsSequence (int Col)
 If the column is an ascissa.
void ImpSequence (int Col)
 Set the natural sequence as abscissa for the column Col.
void ImpSequence ()
 Set the natural sequence as abscissa for all sets.
void ImpCoordX (int vAbs)
 Set the columns for the x array.
void ImpCoordX (int vSet, int vAbs)
 Set the column for the x array.
void ImpCoordY (int Ext)
 Set the column for the y array.
void setXFormula (char *str)
 Set the value of XFormula.
void setYFormula (char *str)
 Set the value of YFormula.
void Reverse ()
 Reverse the sets.
int Smooth (double Fact, int CoordY, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Smooth the line.
void SmoothGauss (double Fact, int CoordY, int NVisMin, int NVisMax)
 Smooth the line.
void DoubleDistFluct ()
 Distribution of distances.
void WriteFormula (char *Exit)
 Execute a formula defined in XFormula and YFormula.
char * PrintHeader ()
 Print the header.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Matematica
 Matematica ()
int PermuteRandomAll (int *Sequence, int NMass)
 Permutes a sequence without repeating.
int PermuteRandomAll (PERMUTE *Sequence, int NMass)
 Permutes a sequence without repeating.
int ApplyFilter (Matrice *Point, Matrice *Res, Matrice *Mask)
 Applies the filter. More...
int ApplyFilter (Matrice *Res, Matrice *Mask)
 Applies the filter. More...
int Transform (int *Out, int *In, int NEdge, int operation)
void BackFold (Matrice *In, Matrice *Out, int NShift)
 Shift all the rows upwards/downwards.
void Smooth (double *st, double *sw, int NIn, int NOut)
 Smooth the line with BSplines.
double Evalx (double x)
 Pointer to a generic function.
double ContactAngle (double x)
 Definition of the contact angle.
double fProva (double x)
 Trial function.
double F (double TD, double T)
double Df (double x, double Delta)
void ElabSt (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 Pointer to a function which operates on. More...
void Derivata (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 Derivate of. More...
void DerO4 (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 Derivate O(4) of. More...
double Integrazione (double *Punti, double *sw, int NMass)
 Integral of. More...
void IntegraA3 ()
 Perform a integration of a LJ6 Potential.
void SquareGradient (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 Square of the gradient.
double Integrazione (double a, double b)
 Integrates the function within. More...
double IntegrazioneGauss (double a, double b, double Scarto)
 Itegrate a Gaussian.
int Zeri (double a, double b, double *Radici, int NRadici)
 Find the. More...
RADICE RegulaFalsi (double a, double b)
 Use regula falsi algorithm to find the roots.
RADICE Newton (double a)
 Use Newton to find the roots.
double Estremo (double a, double b)
 Other algorithm to find the roots.
double Fattoriale (int n)
 Compute the factorial.
double Gamma (int n)
 Euler's gamma.
double Elevato (double x, int Volte)
 Integer power.
double Bessel (double Val, int Ord)
 Bessel function.
double Neumann (double Val, int Ord)
 Neumann function.
double Segno (int n)
 Sign of -^n.
double QuasiBessel (double Val, int Ord)
 A faster Bessel.
double QuasiNeumann (double Val, int Ord)
 A faster Neumann.
double WeightFunction (double x, double a)
 Definition of a weighting function.
double WeightFunction2 (double x, double a)
 Definition of a weighting function.
double LJHamaker (double r, double r_np, double theta)
 Integration of the LJ 6 term.
double LJHamakerCum (double Rad, double RadNpMin, double RadNpMax)
 Integrate over r_np up to RadNp.
double LJHamaker (double Rad, double r_np)
 Integrate over theta.
double LJ39 (double r, double r_np)
 Integration of the LJ 6 term.
void ExecCommand (double *st, double *st1, int NMass, char *cmd)
 Execute a command defined in string.
double ExecFormula (double x, double y, char *cmd)
 Execute a formula.
double ExecFormula (double **st, int n, char *cmd)
 Execute a formula.
double Gauss (double Media, double Scarto, double x)
bool InizializzaGaussiano (double Scarto, int N)
 Initialize the Gaussian number generator.
double Gaussiano (double Media, double Scarto)
 Gaussian random number. More...
void Spettro (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 Compute the spectrum.
void Spettro2d (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 Compute the 2d spectrum of. More...
void Spettro2d (double *st, double **sw, int NMass)
 Compute the 2d spectrum of. More...
void SpettroDFT (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 DFT implementation of the spectrum, slow.
void Radice (double *st, double *sw, int N)
 Compute the root of the signal.
void Autocor (bool *st, double *sAuto, int N)
 Compute the autocorrelation of a boolean signal.
void Autocor (double *st, double *sAuto, int NMass)
 Compute the autocorrelation of the signal.
double Norm (double *st, int NMass)
 Norm of an array.
int NormalizeArea (double *st, int NMass)
void NormalizeVect (double *st, int NMass)
int Normalizza (double *st, int NMass)
int Normalizza (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
void Modulo (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)
 Compute the modulus.
void MediaMobile (double *st, int NMass, double *sw, int Parti)
 Running average.
int MediaMobile (double *st, int NMass, double *sw, double *sErr, int Parti)
 Running average.
int CorrelaDuePunti (double *st, int NMass, double *sw, int Punti)
 Two points correlation.
void Autosimilarita (double *st, int NMass, double *sw, int Valori)
 Self similarity.
MOMENTI Distribuzione (const double *st, int NMass)
 Moments of a signal.
MOMENTI Distribuzione (const double *st, int NMass, double *Intervalli, int Valori, int IfNorm)
 Moments and histogram of a signal.
MOMENTI Distribuzione (const double *st, int NMass, double *Intervalli, int Valori, double *Confine, int IfNorm)
 Moments and histogram of a signal between two values.
MOMENTI DistrErr (const double *st, int NMass, double *Intervalli, double *Err, int Valori, double *Confine, int IfNorm)
 Moments and histogram of a signal between two values.
MOMENTI DistribuzioneGauss (const double *st, int NMass, double *Intervalli, double *dInt, int Valori, int IfNorm)
 Look for the Gaussian distribution.
MOMENTI DistribuzioneMaxwell (const double *st, int NMass, double *Intervalli, double *dInt, int Valori, int IfNorm)
 Look for the Maxwellian distribution.
void DistrSample (double *Px, double *Py, int NMax, double **Distr, int NBin, const int NSample, int IfNorm, double *xBound)
 Compare the distribution of a sample of data.
MOMENTI WeightAverage (const double *sx, const double *sy, int NMax)
 Calculate the weighted average.
void WeightHisto (double **hist, double *Border, int NBin, int NHisto, double tolerance, double *OrPos, double *kSpring)
 Weighted histogram analysis.
void Sort (double *Sign, int NMass)
void Swap (int i, int j, double *Sign)
 Swap to indices.
void Swap (double *s, int si, double *t, int ti, const int NDim)
 Swap to arrays.
void Sort (int *Sign, int NMass)
void Swap (int i, int j, int *Sign)
 Swap to indices.
void FileSin1d (char *FName)
 Create a file with a sign function.
void FileSin2d (char *FName)
 Create a file with a sign function in 2d.
void ConvWeight (double *st, int NMax, double *sw, int *WIndex, int NWeight)
 Convolute with a weight.
void FillWeightGauss (double *st, int *WIndex, int NWeight, double CutOff, double Sigma)
 Fill the weight array with a gaussian fuction.
double LinInterp (double Px1, double Px2, double Py1, double Py2, double x)
 Linear interpolation between two points.
RETTA InterRett (double *Px, double *Py, int NMass)
 Linear interpolation.
RETTA InterExp (double *Px, double *Py, int NMass)
 Exponential interpolation.
MOMENTI InterGauss (double *Px, double *Py, int NMass)
 Gaussian interpolation.
RETTA InterRett (double *Px, double *Py, double *Peso, int NMass)
 Linear weighted interpolation.
PARABOLA MinimoParabola (double a, double b, double *Px, double *Py, int NMass)
 Minimum of the Parabola between. More...
PARABOLA MinimoParabola (double *Px, double *Py, int NMass)
 Global minimum interpolating via a Parabola.
SPLINE Parab (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, int x, int y)
 Three points parabolic interpolation.
SPLINE Parab2 (double *PA, double *PB, double *PC, int x, int y)
 Three points parabolic interpolation.
CIRCLE Osculante (double *PA, double *PB, double *PC, int x, int y)
 Osculant circle.
SPLINE Cubica (double *PA, double *PB, double *PC, double *PD, int x, int y)
 Four point cubic interpolation.
SPLINE Forth (double *PA, double *PB, double *PC, double *PD, double *PE, int x, int y)
 Five points four order interpolation.
SPLINE Spline3 (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, int x, int y)
 Three order spline.
SPLINE Spline3Beg (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, int x, int y)
 Three order spline first boundary.
SPLINE Spline3End (double *P1, double *P2, int x, int y)
 Three order spline last boundary.
SPLINE Spline4Beg (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, double *P4, int x, int y)
 Four order spline first boundary.
SPLINE Spline4 (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, double *P4, int x, int y)
 Four order spline.
SPLINE Spline4 (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, int x, int y)
 Four order spline.
SPLINE Spline4PreEnd (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, int x, int y)
 Four order spline just before the end.
SPLINE Spline4End (double *P1, double *P2, int x, int y)
 Four order spline last boundary.
int Polinomio (double *P1, double *P2, int NMass, Spline *Sp)
 Polinimial interpolation of NMass order.
int DerMatrix (double *Px, double *Py, int NMass, SPLINE Wg, Spline *Sp)
double Casuale ()
 Random uniform number.
double RandDiscrProb (double *Prob, int NBin)
 Random number following a discrete probability.
double QBezier (double *P1, double *P2, double *P3, double x, int y)
 QBezier curve of three points.
int Factorial (int times)
 Computes. More...
double Binomial (int times, int n)
 For the BSpline.
double Blend (const double *dPoint, double x, int nPoint, int nOrder)
 For the BSpline.
double Blend (double *dPoint, size_t Incr, double x, int nPoint, int nOrder)
 For the BSpline.
int InterBSpline2D (Matrice *MaIn, Matrice *MaOut)
 Computes the BSpline of a given. More...
int Voronoi ()
 Voronoi tassellation, in progress.

Public Attributes

int NBin
 Number of point of the distribution.
double * sp
 Points to a column of st.
- Public Attributes inherited from Matematica
 Pointer to a function.
double Ypsilon
 External parameter to calculate the contact angle.
double PreFact
 External parameter in the definition of the contact angle.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Matematica
typedef double(Matematica::* FUNC) (double x)
 A tipical f(x) function.
typedef void(Matematica::* ELAB) (double *st, double *sw, int NMass)

Detailed Description

Reads and stores a data file to be elaborated via Matematica.

Definition at line 26 of file VarDatFile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VarDatFile ( char *  file,
int  NBin 

Moltiplication factor for a scaled set (MediaMob)

Allocate the vectors reading from a file

Member Function Documentation

int WeightHistoSign ( int  NHisto)

Weighted histogram analysis.

Find the borders globally

Definition at line 578 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

References IsAbscissa(), NBin, pMinMaxGlob(), and Matematica::WeightHisto().

Referenced by ModuloSegnale().

void PuntiAlloc ( )
double Val ( int  CoordY,
int  n 

Value at the position.

nin the column

Definition at line 657 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

References NBin.

Referenced by ExportTxvl(), pGlobBorder(), and TecPlot().

double Abscissa ( int  CoordY,
int  n 

Value of the Abscissa at position.


Definition at line 667 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by AverageOrdinate(), ExportTxvl(), pGlobBorder(), pMinMaxGlob(), Print(), RescaleToBulk(), and TecPlot().

double pPunti ( int  n)

Value of the elaborated array at position.


Definition at line 673 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pGlobBorder().

double pPuntiErr ( int  n)

Value of the error array at postion.


Definition at line 680 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pGlobBorder().

double pMax ( int  CoordY,
int  NVisMin,
int  NVisMax 

Print the maximum of the column.


Definition at line 1108 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pGlobBorder().

double pMin ( int  CoordY,
int  NVisMin,
int  NVisMax 

Print the minimum of the column.


Definition at line 1116 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pGlobBorder().

double pMaxLog ( int  CoordY,
int  NVisMin,
int  NVisMax 

Print the maximum of the column.


Definition at line 1124 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pGlobBorder().

double pMinLog ( int  CoordY,
int  NVisMin,
int  NVisMax 

Print the minimum of the column.


Definition at line 1133 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pGlobBorder().

double pInter ( int  n)

Print the postion.

nof array

Definition at line 246 of file VarDatFile.h.

double pError ( int  n)

Print the postion.

nof array

Definition at line 248 of file VarDatFile.h.

double pInter1 ( int  n)

Print the postion.

nof array

Definition at line 250 of file VarDatFile.h.

References PuntiMax(), and PuntiMin().

double PuntiMin ( )

Print the minimum of.

See also

Definition at line 690 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pInter1().

double PuntiMax ( )

Print the maximum of.

See also

Definition at line 700 of file VarDatFile.cpp.

Referenced by pInter1().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: