This is the complete list of members for Matrice, including all inherited members.
Add(int row, int col, double Val) | Matrice | |
Apply(double *Known, double *UnKnown) | Matrice | |
Clear() | Matrice | |
comparetoidentity() | Matrice | |
ConvoluteMatrix(double *Plot, int NGrid, int NDim, int IfMinImConv) | Matrice | |
ConvoluteMatrix1(double *Plot, int NGrid) | Matrice | |
ConvoluteMatrix1MinImConv(double *Plot, int NGrid) | Matrice | |
ConvoluteMatrix2(double *Plot, int NGrid) | Matrice | |
ConvoluteMatrix2MinImConv(double *Plot, int NGrid) | Matrice | |
ConvoluteMatrix3(double *Plot, int NGrid) | Matrice | |
copymatrix(Matrice &source) | Matrice | |
CopyOn(Matrice *B) | Matrice | |
data | Matrice | |
Det() | Matrice | |
FillCanny() | Matrice | |
FillDiffOperator(SPLINE Wg, int NDim) | Matrice | |
FillGaussian(double Sigma, double CutOff) | Matrice | |
FillGaussian5() | Matrice | |
getNRow() | Matrice | |
getvalue(int row, int column, double &returnvalue, bool &success) | Matrice | |
Invert() | Matrice | |
Matrice(int newNSize) | Matrice | |
Matrice(int NRow, int NCol) | Matrice | |
Matrice(int NRow, int NCol, int NZed) | Matrice | |
Matrice(int ExtNRow, int ExtNCol, double *pointer) | Matrice | |
Matrice(SPLINE Wg) | Matrice | |
Matrice(SPLINE Wg, int Dim) | Matrice | |
Matrice(Quadri q, int dim) | Matrice | |
Matrice(double *M, int Nr, int Nc) | Matrice | |
Matrice(double Roll, double Pitch, double Yaw, int NDim) | Matrice | |
Matrice(double *Axis, double Angle, int NDim) | Matrice | |
Mult(Matrice &A, Matrice &B) | Matrice | |
Mult(Matrice &A) | Matrice | |
Mult(Matrice &A, Vettore &v) | Matrice | |
Mult(Vettore &v) | Matrice | |
Mult(Vettore &v, Vettore &u) | Matrice | |
Multiply(double Val) | Matrice | |
Normalize() | Matrice | |
operator*(Matrice &A) | Matrice | |
operator*(const double &) const | Matrice | |
operator*(const Vettore &) const | Matrice | |
operator+(Matrice &) | Matrice | |
operator=(Matrice &) | Matrice | |
operator^(Matrice &) const | Matrice | |
pNCol() | Matrice | inline |
pNRow() | Matrice | inline |
pNZed() | Matrice | inline |
Print() | Matrice | |
RandomFill(double Max) | Matrice | |
Set(int row, int column, double Val) | Matrice | |
setNRow(int newNRow) | Matrice | |
settoproduct(Matrice &left, Matrice &right) | Matrice | |
Shout(const char *s,...) | Matrice | |
Size() | Matrice | inline |
Solve(double *Known, double *UnKnown) | Matrice | |
Transpose() | Matrice | |
Val(int row) | Matrice | |
Val(int row, int col) | Matrice | |
Val(int row, int col, int zed) | Matrice | |
~Matrice() | Matrice |