Allink  v0.1
1 #ifndef ELPOLY_H
2 #define ELPOLY_H
3 #include "../include/VarData.h"
4 #include "../include/Cubo.h"
5 //#include "../include/Draw.h"
6 #ifdef USE_GL
7 #include <GL/glut.h>
8 #endif//USE_GL
9 #include "../include/Draw.h"
10 #include "../include/SingProc.h"
12 enum ElVisualize{
14  EL_PART = 0x0000,
16  EL_QUAD ,
18  EL_CHAIN ,
22  EL_DENS ,
24  EL_QUAD1 ,
28  EL_SURF ,
30  EL_CROSS ,
42  EL_SKIN,
46  EL_TRIA,
48  EL_MESH,
59 };
61 class ElPoly : public VarData{
62  private:
64  char **cFile;
65  public:
67  ElPoly(int argc,char **argv,int *FilePos);
69  ~ElPoly();
70  //-----------------ElPolyProfile.cpp------------------
72  int DensProf(int NBin,int NSample,int Coord);
74  void DensProfNormalSlab(int NBin,int NSample,int Coord);
76  int Diff2Files(int NBin,int How);
78  void RestPress(int NBin);
80  void SlabProf(int NBin,int nNano,int Coord1);
82  void PrintDens(FILE *FileToWrite,double **Plot,double *LatDim,int NBin);
84  void RadDens2Thick(int NBin);
86  void RadDens2Thick2d(int NBin);
88  int Temperature(int NBin,int Coord);
90  void CartDens(int NBin,int nNano);
92  void RadDistrF(int NBin,int How,int nNano);
94  void BondDistr(int NSample);
96  void E2EDistr(int NSample);
98  void SplayDistr(int NSample);
100  int RadialShell(int NBin);
102  int NanoParticle(int NBin);
104  int WormF(int Partition,int NBin);
106  void StalkF(int NSample);
108  void ThickFromDens(int NBin);
110  void AreaDistrF(int NBin);
112  void RadNormPos(int NBin,int NGrid);
114  int SurfTens(int NBin);
116  void SumTens();
118  int PressTrace();
120  int PressRadial();
122  int Tens2dCartRad();
124  void StalkLineProfF(int NBin);
126  void Prova();
127  //-----------------ElPolyMeasure.cpp------------------
129  void PairCorr(int NBin,int NDim);
131  int PairCorrelationF(int NBin,int How);
133  int Diffusivity();
135  void DiffSlab(int NSlab);
137  int ScatteringF(int NBin,int How);
139  int NChainPSquareF();
141  void AreaCompr(int NSample);
143  int SpectrumF(int NBin);
145  void Midplane(int NBin);
147  void SpectrumMidplane(int NBin);
149  void HeaderAverage(int nNano);
151  void WidomOut(char *InFile,int NBin);
153  void WidomOut();
155  void WidomIn(char *InFile,int NBin);
157  void WidomIn();
159  void End2EndDistr(char *OutFile);
161  void BondDistr(char *OutFile,int NBin);
163  void Decoupling(int What);
165  void ElasticCoupling(int NSample);
167  void ElasticCouplingNVT();
169  void BilayerDistance(char *OutFile,int NBin);
171  void EndToEndDist();
172  //-----------------ElPolyRepr.cpp---------------------
174  int ProjectionF(int NBin,int Coord);
176  int CoreF(int NBin,int How);
178  int Surface(int NBin,int Coord);
180  int From3To2d(int Coord,double Param);
182  int From2To1d(int Coord);
184  int From3To1d(int Coord);
186  void IsoSurf(int NSample,double *IsoValue,int NIso);
188  void IsoLine(int NSample,double *IsoValue,int NIso,int How);
190  void IsoLine(FILE *F2Write,double *Plot,int NSample,double *IsoLevel,int NIso);
192  void FetchStalk();
194  void FetchPore();
196  void StalkArea();
198  void AvSnap();
200  void SlabAngleProfs(int NBin,int NAngle,int Coord);
202  void Sample(int NSample);
203  //-----------------ElPolyOutput.cpp-------------------
205  void Conv2Tecplot(int NBin,int How);
207  void Conv2Vmd();
209  void Conv2Povray();
211  void Conv2rzd(int NSample);
213  void Conv2xyzd(int NSample);
215  void DrField(int NGrid,double IsoLevel,int nNano,FILE *FWrite);
217  void DrBondPovRay(double *Pos1,double *Pos2,float *Color);
219  void HeaderPovRay();
221  void DrNanoPovRay(int n);
223  void DrPartPovRay(int p);
225  void ConvLattice(int NSample,char *FName);
226  //-----------------ElPolyEl.cpp-----------------------
228  void RemoveChains();
230  int Angle(int NBin);
232  double ContactAngle(double x);
234  int CenterOfMass(int Coord);
236  int ChangeFile();
238  int SpecifyCoord();
240  int OpenFile(int f);
242  int OpenFile(char *FileName);
244  int PropertiesF();
246  char *ChooseDraw(int ExtWhat2Draw);
248  void ChooseDraw(char *String);
250  void DivideLayers(int How);
252  void SetBoundFile(int InitFile,int EndFile);
254  void Processing(int f);
256  void Shift2Center();
258  void SetBackFold(int Bf){
259  NBackFold = Bf;
260  }
262  void SetNVisSkip(int NSkip){
263  if(NSkip > 0){
264  NVisSkip = NSkip;
265  }
266  }
267 #ifdef __glut_h__
268  //---------------ElPolyDraw.cpp----------------------
270  void RenderPart(void);
272  void DrRunTime();
274  void DrColor();
276  void DrPartList();
278  void DrVector(Vettore v,Vettore Origin);
280  void DrVectors();
282  int DrIntorno(int p,double Blue);
284  void DrCrossLinks();
286  int Graphics(int argc,char **argv);
288  void ESlide();
290  void ESlide1();
292  void DrProtein(const char *FileName,int nBlock);
294  void DrNano();
296  void DrCrossLinks(char *FileName);
298  typedef void(ElPoly::*DRAW_PART)(int p);
302  void DrawPart(int p){(*this.*Draw_Part)(p);}
304  void DrPartOpenGl(int p);
308  void DrawNano(int n){(*this.*Draw_Nano)(n);}
310  void DrNanoOpenGl(int n);
312  void DrawFuncHeader();
314  void DrawFuncFooter();
316  typedef void(ElPoly::*DRAW_BOND)(double *Pos1,double *Pos2,float *Color);
320  void DrBond(int p);
322  void DrawBond(double *Pos1,double *Pos2,float *Color){(*this.*Draw_Bond)(Pos1,Pos2,Color);}
324  void DrBondNo(double *Pos1,double *Pos2,float *Color){};
326  void DrBondOpenGl(double *Pos1,double *Pos2,float *Color);
327  //---------------ElPolyDrawControl.cpp----------------------
329  void keyboard(unsigned char key,int x, int y);
330  /* /// Definition of the key bindings */
331  /* void keyboardDraw(unsigned char key); */
333  void ElDrawMouse(int button,int state,int x,int y);
335  void CompileList();
337  void DrPosCol();
339  void Menu();
341  void ElMenuChoise(int option);
343  void ElMenuVisual(int option);
345  void CreateMenu();
346  //---------------ElPolyDrawSurf.cpp----------------------
348  void DrIsoipse(int NBin,int NIsoipse,int CoordN);
350  void DrSurface();
352  void DrSmooth(double *Plot,int NSample,double Min,double Max);
354  void DrSample(int NSample);
356  void DrSpectrum();
358  void DrDerivative();
360  void DrChains();
362  void DrPolygon();
364  void DrQuad();
366  void DrDensity();
368  void DrQuad1();
370  void DrPotential();
372  void DrShell();
374  void DrVoronoi();
376  void DrInterpSurface();
378  void DrIsolevel(int NSample,double IsoLevel);
380  void DrField(int NGrid,double IsoLevel,int nNano);
382  void DrSquareMesh();
384  void DrNormalPoint(int p,int NEdge);
385  //-----------------------------------------------
386  GLuint Quad,Point,*Cylinder,MetalCylinder,Hexagon,Cube,Arrow,GlWall;
388  double Saturation;
390  char Block2Draw[20];
392  void DrTria(Vettore *v00,Vettore *v01,Vettore *v11,Vettore *vN);
394  void DrTriaContour(Vettore *v00,Vettore *v01,Vettore *v11);
396  void DrDoubleTria(Vettore *v00,Vettore *v01,Vettore *v11,Vettore *v10,Vettore *vN);
398  void DrCreateStalk();
400  void DrStalk();
402  void Tile();
403  //----------------------------ElPolyDrawCGAL----------------
405  void DrTriangulate();
407  void DrMesh();
409  void DrGenMesh();
411  void DrCells();
413  void DefineSkin(int NSample);
415  void DefineSurf();
416 #endif //__glut_h__
417  int NFile[2];
420  int NFileTot;
422  int NPro ;
424  int quando;
425  // int NBin;
427  int LineSize;
431  //int IfColour;
433  //int IfChains;
435  int IfLine;
437  int IfChType;
443  int NVisSkip;
445  //int *ChainTypes;
449  //double Diameter;
451  //double StepDiameter;
453  //double ExtraDiam;
455  double Vicinanze;
457  double InvScaleUn;
459  double ExtParam;
461  double ScaleFact;
463  FILE *DrawOutFile;
464 #ifdef USE_MPI
465  SingProc *Proc;
466 #endif
467 };
468 static int IfImage;
470 extern void Slide();
471 #ifdef __glut_h__
472 #endif//__glut_h__
473 #endif //ELPOLY_H
void DrDensity()
(rad,norm,dens) visualisation
void RadDens2Thick2d(int NBin)
Calculate the thickness from the radial density profile.
void SpectrumMidplane(int NBin)
Calculates the 1d, 2d spectrum spe.
double Vicinanze
Definition: ElPoly.h:455
void DrSmooth(double *Plot, int NSample, double Min, double Max)
Draw the surface in triangles.
void RenderPart(void)
Choose the visualisation (obsolete)
void Conv2Povray()
esport the data in pov file format for rendering
void SetBoundFile(int InitFile, int EndFile)
Set the initial and final number of files.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:351
int SpecifyCoord()
Defines the normal coordinate coord.
void Conv2xyzd(int NSample)
esport the data in radius depth density file format
void DrStalk()
Visualize the surface from Stalk.xvl.
int Diffusivity()
Diffusivity coefficient of the chains diff.
double InvScaleUn
Define the shrink factor between the box edges.
Definition: ElPoly.h:457
void Menu()
Creates the menu.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:685
int PressTrace()
Trace of the pressure profile.
void DrRunTime()
Draws in run time (expensive)
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:76
void IsoLine(int NSample, double *IsoValue, int NIso, int How)
Calculate the discrete density of the system and the correspondent isolines.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:430
int LineSize
Line size of the gl.
Definition: ElPoly.h:427
void DrNano()
Draw the nanoparticle structure.
void DrBondNo(double *Pos1, double *Pos2, float *Color)
Null function.
Definition: ElPoly.h:324
void ThickFromDens(int NBin)
Calculate the thickness profile from the density plot.
void DrNanoOpenGl(int n)
OpenGl draw function.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:257
void Midplane(int NBin)
Midplanes for a sequence of snapshots.
int NFileTot
Total number of file.
Definition: ElPoly.h:420
int Graphics(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:43
int Tens2dCartRad()
Change the pressure profile from cartesian to radial.
void DrIsoipse(int NBin, int NIsoipse, int CoordN)
Draws all the same quotes surfaces.
void DrQuad()
Call a square in every particle position.
void DrCreateStalk()
Visualize the surface calculated in Stalk()
void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
Draws all the particles and bonds.
void BilayerDistance(char *OutFile, int NBin)
Measure the elastic coupling between the two sheets.
void DrIsolevel(int NSample, double IsoLevel)
Defines the triangles at the boundaries of the density close to the IsoLevel value.
int OpenFile(int f)
Opens the f file of the list open.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:147
void DrPolygon()
Every particle is traeted as a vertex.
int CenterOfMass(int Coord)
Averaged center of mass Boh.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:111
Geometrical operations on vectors.
Definition: MatematicaVect.h:9
void DrPotential()
Potential function.
void CompileList()
Compile the list with some useful primitives.
void DrGenMesh()
Generate a mesh from a function.
void DrDerivative()
Samples the surface, applies a 2d matrix derivative and draws the surface in triangles.
void ElMenuVisual(int option)
Choose what to visualize.
void DefineSurf()
Find the covering surface for given points.
void RemoveChains()
Remove chains satisfying a condition.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:246
Pointer to a distance.
Definition: ElPoly.h:306
int quando
Current number of the file list.
Definition: ElPoly.h:424
void DefineSkin(int NSample)
Find the covering surface for given points.
void DrTriaContour(Vettore *v00, Vettore *v01, Vettore *v11)
Draw the contour of three vectors.
void AreaDistrF(int NBin)
Distribution of the areas around the protein.
void StalkLineProfF(int NBin)
Write the line describing a linear stalk.
void DrNormalPoint(int p, int NEdge)
Draw the normal to a point.
void ESlide1()
Sequence of pictures.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:695
int PressRadial()
Contour plot around the inclusion.
void DrProtein(const char *FileName, int nBlock)
Load and draw the linking of a protein.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:391
void Decoupling(int What)
Decoupling of the direction/end to end distance of the chains.
int ScatteringF(int NBin, int How)
2d Scattering scatt scatt2
void EndToEndDist()
Distribution of the end to end distances.
int Diff2Files(int NBin, int How)
Density and thickness profile arond the nanoparticle.
void AreaCompr(int NSample)
Calculates the number of chain per area area.
void DrTriangulate()
Triangulate a surface.
void SumTens()
Sum more tension profile files.
void DrSample(int NSample)
Samples the surface and draws it in triangles.
void CreateMenu()
Creates the menu.
double ScaleFact
Normal scaling factor (z zooming)
Definition: ElPoly.h:461
void DivideLayers(int How)
Reorder the LIPID block in four different layers.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:187
void Sample(int NSample)
Sample the space in NSample lattice points.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:740
void PairCorr(int NBin, int NDim)
1d pair correlation
void DrDoubleTria(Vettore *v00, Vettore *v01, Vettore *v11, Vettore *v10, Vettore *vN)
Double triangle defined by four vectors.
void DrPartPovRay(int p)
PovRay draw function.
void HeaderAverage(int nNano)
Read the header and average the information.
int WormF(int Partition, int NBin)
Density profile of a non straight worm shape membrane worm.
void DrCells()
Construct cells from the lipid positions.
void RadNormPos(int NBin, int NGrid)
Radial profile of the normal position of the particles.
void RadDistrF(int NBin, int How, int nNano)
3d (rad,norma,dens) density profile with respect to a initial position radNano radCm radCmN ...
int Angle(int NBin)
Calculation of the contact angle angle Boh?
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:78
void DrBondPovRay(double *Pos1, double *Pos2, float *Color)
Draw the bonds.
int SurfTens(int NBin)
Radial summation of the 3d tension profile.
int From3To2d(int Coord, double Param)
Project the velocities of a 3d system on a 2d system wrt a coordinate.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:188
void DrQuad1()
Intensity scheme.
void WidomIn()
Create a set of files with a chain more.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:70
void HeaderPovRay()
Print the header for povray.
void BondDistr(int NSample)
Distribution of the bond lengths.
double Saturation
Saturation of the color (increase intensity)
Definition: ElPoly.h:388
void ElDrawMouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
void RestPress(int NBin)
Pressure difference between the virial and the ideal gas term.
void SlabAngleProfs(int NBin, int NAngle, int Coord)
Radial profiles of the slab density between 0⁰ and 90⁰ subdivided in NAngle angles.
void AvSnap()
Average the postion of the lipids over many snapshots.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:714
void FetchPore()
Write the position of the pore for every snapshot.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:570
int NChainPSquareF()
Calculates the number of chain per area area.
int CoreF(int NBin, int How)
Sampling of the three dimentional space.
void SetNVisSkip(int NSkip)
Set backfold type.
Definition: ElPoly.h:262
int NPro
Definition: ElPoly.h:422
void DrPartList()
Create a list of all the particles.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:218
int SpectrumF(int NBin)
Calculates the 1d, 2d spectrum spe.
int NEdge
Number of particles per edge.
Definition: VarData.h:1084
int ChangeFile()
Defines the first and the last file to be elaborated file.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:135
void FetchStalk()
Write the position of the stalk for every snapshot.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:596
void DrawNano(int n)
Pointer to a generic function.
Definition: ElPoly.h:308
int DensProf(int NBin, int NSample, int Coord)
Calculate the density profile dens.
int PropertiesF()
Calculates some properties of the system prop.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:165
void DrVoronoi()
Voronoi tassellation.
void DrBond(int p)
Finde the neighbour of the particle p and draw the bond.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:102
void DrSurface()
Draws the surface like a sheet using the chains position.
double ExtParam
External parameter (e.g. for MarchingCubes)
Definition: ElPoly.h:459
Basics class to start a MPI grid.
Definition: SingProc.h:6
FILE * DrawOutFile
Output file for drawing.
Definition: ElPoly.h:463
void ElasticCouplingNVT()
Measure the elastic coupling between the two sheets.
void(ElPoly::* DRAW_BOND)(double *Pos1, double *Pos2, float *Color)
Data type for distance/field functions.
Definition: ElPoly.h:316
void DrawFuncFooter()
Dnd the visualization.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:166
void DiffSlab(int NSlab)
Diffusivity of particles starting from an initial slab.
void WidomOut()
Create NCh systems with a chain less.
void RadDens2Thick(int NBin)
Calculate the thickness from the radial density profile.
void DrMesh()
Build a mesh from the lipid positions.
void DrVector(Vettore v, Vettore Origin)
Draw a vector.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:539
void CartDens(int NBin, int nNano)
3d (rad,norma,dens) density profile in cartesian coordinates
int RadialShell(int NBin)
Outer shell of a projected (rad,normal) graph.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:239
void DrawFuncHeader()
Assign the pointer to the corrispondent draw function, intilize the visualization.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:123
int IfChType
Type of the chains to be visualized.
Definition: ElPoly.h:437
int NBackFold
Type of backfold.
Definition: ElPoly.h:439
void E2EDistr(int NSample)
Distribution of end to end distances.
void DrShell()
Draw the outer shell.
int DrawOutput
Definition: ElPoly.h:447
void DrSpectrum()
Calculate the spectrum of the surface and draws it in triangles.
void SetBackFold(int Bf)
Set backfold type.
Definition: ElPoly.h:258
int NVisSkip
How many lipids are skipped in the visualization.
Definition: ElPoly.h:443
void PrintDens(FILE *FileToWrite, double **Plot, double *LatDim, int NBin)
Print the density profile in the surfaces representation.
void DrInterpSurface()
void DrNanoPovRay(int n)
PovRay draw function.
void End2EndDistr(char *OutFile)
Write the end to end distance of the chains.
int PairCorrelationF(int NBin, int How)
1d, 2d pair correlation of the chains pairRound pairSquare (obsolete)
void ESlide()
Sequence of pictures.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:706
ElPoly(int argc, char **argv, int *FilePos)
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:26
void Tile()
Cover a regular square grid of points with tiles.
char * ChooseDraw(int ExtWhat2Draw)
Convert the internal definition for the menu of ElPoly in string.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:279
int IfLine
Definition: ElPoly.h:435
void DrCrossLinks()
Visualize the cross links.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:642
void StalkArea()
Area of hydrophobic in the torus.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:624
void DrawPart(int p)
Pointer to a generic function.
Definition: ElPoly.h:302
void ElasticCoupling(int NSample)
Measure the elastic coupling between the two sheets.
int What2Draw
Draw the content in the appropriate visulization.
Definition: ElPoly.h:441
char Block2Draw[20]
Name of the block to draw.
Definition: ElPoly.h:390
void DrChains()
Position of every chain in hexagons.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:556
void ElMenuChoise(int option)
Choose what to visualize.
void DrBondOpenGl(double *Pos1, double *Pos2, float *Color)
Draw the bonds.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:93
int From3To1d(int Coord)
Project a 3d system on one coordinate.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:235
void Conv2rzd(int NSample)
esport the data in radius depth density file format
int NFile[2]
First and last file of the list.
Definition: ElPoly.h:418
void IsoSurf(int NSample, double *IsoValue, int NIso)
Density plot all over different snapshots and calculation of the isolevel surface.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:313
void DensProfNormalSlab(int NBin, int NSample, int Coord)
Calculate the density profile projecting the particles on the normal density.
void DrVectors()
Draw the chains as vectors.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:481
void Conv2Vmd()
esport the data in vmd file format
void Prova()
Dummy function to operate on a sequence of files.
void SplayDistr(int NSample)
Distribution of end to end distances.
int Surface(int NBin, int Coord)
Area of a surfuce projected on the coordinate Coord surf.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:111
Pointer to a distance/field function.
Definition: ElPoly.h:300
int DrIntorno(int p, double Blue)
Visualize only particles within a certain distance.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:79
Pointer to a distance/field function.
Definition: ElPoly.h:318
void DrawBond(double *Pos1, double *Pos2, float *Color)
Pointer to a generic function.
Definition: ElPoly.h:322
void DrSquareMesh()
Draw the polygons for a square mesh.
void DrPartOpenGl(int p)
OpenGl draw function.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:179
Reads and elaborates a system of chains.
Definition: VarData.h:521
Definition: ElPoly.dox:1
int Temperature(int NBin, int Coord)
Spatial distribution of the temperature.
int ProjectionF(int NBin, int Coord)
Projection of the system against one direction pro.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:2
void SlabProf(int NBin, int nNano, int Coord1)
Thickness and density profile along Coord1.
void StalkF(int NSample)
Separate the leaflets.
void DrTria(Vettore *v00, Vettore *v01, Vettore *v11, Vettore *vN)
single triangle defined by three vectors
void(ElPoly::* DRAW_PART)(int p)
Data type for distance/field functions.
Definition: ElPoly.h:298
void DrColor()
Visualisation of the particle system with velocity color scheme.
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:420
int IfIntorno
If it visualizes only the particles/chains within a certain distance.
Definition: ElPoly.h:429
int NanoParticle(int NBin)
Diffusion and density profile around the nanoparticle nano.
void Processing(int f)
Information on the current file elaborated.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:369
void Conv2Tecplot(int NBin, int How)
Prepare a countor plot for tecplot.
Definition: ElPolyOutput.cpp:3
int From2To1d(int Coord)
Projet a 2d system on one of the two coordinates.
Definition: ElPolyRepr.cpp:204
void DrPosCol()
Definition: ElPolyDraw.cpp:612
double ContactAngle(double x)
Definition of the contact angle function Boh.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:159
void DrField(int NGrid, double IsoLevel, int nNano, FILE *FWrite)
Draw a scalar field.
void ConvLattice(int NSample, char *FName)
Convert into a square lattice.
void Shift2Center()
Shift the system to the center.
Definition: ElPolyEl.cpp:372