

This service turns an entire book or an article into a graph with summaries without excessive repetitions.

On this website, you can see a structure behind the text. We have a number of books ready for your entertainment.

1. Select language from the menu:

Filter to select language

2. Next, choose a book you want to explore:

Choose a book

3. After you’ve chosen both settings, press “Load graph”.

Press the button to load the graph

Oh, no! The graph doesn't fit in the box! What should we do?

Graph won't fit

4. No worries! Adjust the distances between the nodes with a slider:

Graph won't fit

5. Drag the nodes to make the graph even prettier:

Graph won't fit

Now everything is too close, I cannot hit the right node. What should I do?

6. Put the mouse arrow in the place you are interested and zoom in with a wheel. The mouse arrow will be in the center of zoom

Graph won't fit

Click on the node with left mouse button or a wheel to see a detailed summary. Node will change it's color to help you keep track of what you read.

Graph won't fit

The more central the node is, the more important is the idea behind it. Try clicking on the most important nodes and read their contents.

Nodes are connected if the ideas are related! Read the biggest nodes and it's neighbors.

Graph won't fit

And remember - you don't need to read it all. There are millions of other books you might want to explore!