Autumns leaves


  \new ChordNames \chordmode {
    \set chordChanges = ##t 
R1 c:m7 f:7 bes:7 ees:7 a:m7 d:7
g1:m7 R1 c:m7 f:7 bes:7 ees:7 a:m7 d:7 g:m7 R1
a1:m7 d:7 g:m7 R1 c:m7 f:7 bes:7 ees:7 a:m7 d:7 
g2:m7 c2:9 f2:m7 bes2:7 ees1:7 a2:m7 d2:7 g1:m7 g:7
\new Staff = "violin" \with {
    instrumentName = "Vio"
    midiInstrument = "violin"

\transpose c c' {
\time 4/4
\tempo "Presto" 4 = 120
\key bes \major
\set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = #0.7
\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #1.0

r4 g4 a bes | ees'1  (ees'4) f g a | d'2 d'2 (d'4) ees f g | c'1 (c'4) d e fis | bes1|
r4 g4 a bes | ees'1  (ees'4) f g a | d'2 d'2 (d'4) ees f g | c'1 (c'4) a c' bes | g1|
r2 fis4 g | a4 d a2  (a4) a g a | bes1  (bes4) bes4 a bes | c'1 (c'4) f f' ees' | d'1
(d'2) cis'4 d' | ees'4 ees' c' c' | a2. ees'4 | d'2 d'2 (d'2) g|  c'2. bes| a2 bes4 d' | g1 | r1 |


\addlyrics {
The fall -- ing leaves __ drift by my win dow __ The au -- tumn leaves __ of red and gold.
I see your lips __ the sum -- mer kiss -- es __ The sun -- burned hands __ I used to hold.
Since you went a -- way __ the days grow long, __ And soon I'll hear __ old win -- ter's song __ But I miss you most of all my dar __ ling. __ When au -- tumn leaves start to fall. 

\layout {
  indent = 3.0\cm
  short-indent = 1.5\cm
\midi {}
