(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| import fitz # PyMuPDF
| | Kotoba |
| import pdfplumber
| |
| import re
| |
| import pytesseract
| |
| import cv2
| |
| import numpy as np
| |
| from transformers import VisionEncoderDecoderModel, ViTImageProcessor, AutoTokenizer
| |
| import torch
| |
| from PIL import Image
| |
| import os
| |
| import logging
| |
| import traceback
| |
| import warnings
| |
| from pathlib import Path
| |
| from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
| |
| import argparse
| |
| | |
| warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
| |
| | |
| class PDFExtractor(ABC):
| |
| """Abstract base class for PDF extraction."""
| |
| | |
| def __init__(self, pdf_path):
| |
| self.pdf_path = pdf_path
| |
| self.setup_logging()
| |
| | |
| def setup_logging(self):
| |
| """Set up logging configuration."""
| |
| log_file = f"{Path(__file__).stem}.log"
| |
| logging.basicConfig(
| |
| level=logging.INFO,
| |
| format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
| |
| handlers=[
| |
| logging.FileHandler(log_file),
| |
| logging.StreamHandler()
| |
| ]
| |
| )
| |
| self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
| |
| | |
| @abstractmethod
| |
| def extract(self):
| |
| """Abstract method for extracting content from PDF."""
| |
| pass
| |
| | |
| class MarkdownPDFExtractor(PDFExtractor):
| |
| """Class for extracting markdown-formatted content from PDF."""
| |
| | |
| BULLET_POINTS = '•◦▪▫●○'
| |
| | |
| def __init__(self, pdf_path):
| |
| super().__init__(pdf_path)
| |
| self.pdf_filename = Path(pdf_path).stem
| |
| self.setup_image_captioning()
| |
| | |
| def setup_image_captioning(self):
| |
| """Set up the image captioning model."""
| |
| try:
| |
| self.model = VisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained("nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning")
| |
| self.feature_extractor = ViTImageProcessor.from_pretrained("nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning")
| |
| self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning")
| |
| self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
| |
| self.model.to(self.device)
| |
| self.logger.info("Image captioning model set up successfully.")
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error setting up image captioning model: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| | |
| def extract(self):
| |
| try:
| |
| markdown_content, markdown_pages = self.extract_markdown()
| |
| self.save_markdown(markdown_content)
| |
| self.logger.info(f"Markdown content has been saved to outputs/{self.pdf_filename}.md")
| |
| return markdown_pages
| |
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error processing PDF: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return "", []
| |
| | |
| def extract_markdown(self):
| |
| """Main method to extract markdown from PDF."""
| |
| try:
| |
| doc = fitz.open(self.pdf_path)
| |
| markdown_content = ""
| |
| markdown_pages = []
| |
| tables = self.extract_tables()
| |
| table_index = 0
| |
| list_counter = 0
| |
| in_code_block = False
| |
| code_block_content = ""
| |
| code_block_lang = None
| |
| prev_line = ""
| |
| | |
| for page_num, page in enumerate(doc):
| |
| self.logger.info(f"Processing page {page_num + 1}")
| |
| page_content = ""
| |
| blocks = page.get_text("dict")["blocks"]
| |
| page_height = page.rect.height
| |
| links = self.extract_links(page)
| |
| | |
| for block in blocks:
| |
| if block["type"] == 0: # Text
| |
| page_content += self.process_text_block(block, page_height, links, list_counter, in_code_block, code_block_content, code_block_lang, prev_line)
| |
| elif block["type"] == 1: # Image
| |
| page_content += self.process_image_block(page, block)
| |
| | |
| # Insert tables at their approximate positions
| |
| while table_index < len(tables) and tables[table_index]["page"] == page.number:
| |
| page_content += "\n\n" + self.table_to_markdown(tables[table_index]["content"]) + "\n\n"
| |
| table_index += 1
| |
| | |
| markdown_pages.append(self.post_process_markdown(page_content))
| |
| markdown_content += page_content
| |
| | |
| markdown_content = self.post_process_markdown(markdown_content)
| |
| return markdown_content, markdown_pages
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error extracting markdown: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return "", []
| |
| | |
| def extract_tables(self):
| |
| """Extract tables from PDF using pdfplumber."""
| |
| tables = []
| |
| try:
| |
| with pdfplumber.open(self.pdf_path) as pdf:
| |
| for page_number, page in enumerate(pdf.pages):
| |
| page_tables = page.extract_tables()
| |
| for table in page_tables:
| |
| tables.append({"page": page_number, "content": table})
| |
| self.logger.info(f"Extracted {len(tables)} tables from the PDF.")
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error extracting tables: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return tables
| |
| | |
| def table_to_markdown(self, table):
| |
| """Convert a table to markdown format."""
| |
| if not table:
| |
| return ""
| |
| | |
| try:
| |
| table = [['' if cell is None else str(cell).strip() for cell in row] for row in table]
| |
| col_widths = [max(len(cell) for cell in col) for col in zip(*table)]
| |
| | |
| markdown = ""
| |
| for i, row in enumerate(table):
| |
| formatted_row = [cell.ljust(col_widths[j]) for j, cell in enumerate(row)]
| |
| markdown += "| " + " | ".join(formatted_row) + " |\n"
| |
| | |
| if i == 0:
| |
| markdown += "|" + "|".join(["-" * (width + 2) for width in col_widths]) + "|\n"
| |
| | |
| return markdown
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error converting table to markdown: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return ""
| |
| | |
| def perform_ocr(self, image):
| |
| """Perform OCR on the given image."""
| |
| try:
| |
| opencv_image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
| |
| ocr_result = pytesseract.image_to_data(opencv_image, output_type=pytesseract.Output.DICT)
| |
| |
| result = ""
| |
| for word in ocr_result['text']:
| |
| if word.strip() != "":
| |
| result += word + " "
| |
| | |
| if len(result) > 30:
| |
| break
| |
| |
| return result.strip()
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error performing OCR: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return ""
| |
| | |
| def caption_image(self, image):
| |
| """Generate a caption for the given image."""
| |
| try:
| |
| ocr_text = self.perform_ocr(image)
| |
| if ocr_text:
| |
| return ocr_text
| |
| |
| inputs = self.feature_extractor(images=image, return_tensors="pt").to(self.device)
| |
| pixel_values = inputs.pixel_values
| |
| | |
| generated_ids = self.model.generate(pixel_values, max_length=30)
| |
| generated_caption = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]
| |
| return generated_caption.strip()
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error captioning image: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return "Image"
| |
| | |
| def clean_text(self, text):
| |
| """Clean the given text by removing extra spaces."""
| |
| text = text.strip()
| |
| text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
| |
| return text
| |
| | |
| def apply_formatting(self, text, flags):
| |
| """Apply markdown formatting to the given text based on flags."""
| |
| text = text.strip()
| |
| if not text:
| |
| return text
| |
| |
| is_bold = flags & 2**4
| |
| is_italic = flags & 2**1
| |
| is_monospace = flags & 2**3
| |
| is_superscript = flags & 2**0
| |
| is_subscript = flags & 2**5
| |
| | |
| if is_monospace:
| |
| text = f"`{text}`"
| |
| elif is_superscript and not bool(re.search(r'\s+', text)):
| |
| text = f"^{text}^"
| |
| elif is_subscript and not bool(re.search(r'\s+', text)):
| |
| text = f"~{text}~"
| |
| | |
| if is_bold and is_italic:
| |
| text = f"***{text}***"
| |
| elif is_bold:
| |
| text = f"**{text}**"
| |
| elif is_italic:
| |
| text = f"*{text}*"
| |
| | |
| return f" {text} "
| |
| | |
| def is_bullet_point(self, text):
| |
| """Check if the given text is a bullet point."""
| |
| return text.strip().startswith(tuple(self.BULLET_POINTS))
| |
| | |
| def convert_bullet_to_markdown(self, text):
| |
| """Convert a bullet point to markdown format."""
| |
| text = re.sub(r'^\s*', '', text)
| |
| return re.sub(f'^[{re.escape(self.BULLET_POINTS)}]\s*', '- ', text)
| |
| | |
| def is_numbered_list_item(self, text):
| |
| """Check if the given text is a numbered list item."""
| |
| return bool(re.match(r'^\d+\s{0,3}[.)]', text.strip()))
| |
| | |
| def convert_numbered_list_to_markdown(self, text, list_counter):
| |
| """Convert a numbered list item to markdown format."""
| |
| text = re.sub(r'^\s*', '', text)
| |
| return re.sub(r'^\d+\s{0,3}[.)]', f"{list_counter}. ", text)
| |
| | |
| def is_horizontal_line(self, text):
| |
| """Check if the given text represents a horizontal line."""
| |
| return bool(re.match(r'^[_-]+$', text.strip()))
| |
| | |
| def extract_links(self, page):
| |
| """Extract links from the given page."""
| |
| links = []
| |
| try:
| |
| for link in page.get_links():
| |
| if link["kind"] == 2: # URI link
| |
| links.append({
| |
| "rect": link["from"],
| |
| "uri": link["uri"]
| |
| })
| |
| self.logger.info(f"Extracted {len(links)} links from the page.")
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error extracting links: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return links
| |
| | |
| def detect_code_block(self, prev_line, current_line):
| |
| """Detect if the current line starts a code block."""
| |
| patterns = {
| |
| 'python': [
| |
| (r'^(?:from|import)\s+\w+', r'^(?:from|import|def|class|if|for|while|try|except|with)\s'),
| |
| (r'^(?:def|class)\s+\w+', r'^\s{4}'),
| |
| (r'^\s{4}', r'^\s{4,}')
| |
| ],
| |
| 'javascript': [
| |
| (r'^(?:function|const|let|var)\s+\w+', r'^(?:function|const|let|var|if|for|while|try|catch|class)\s'),
| |
| (r'^(?:if|for|while)\s*\(', r'^\s{2,}'),
| |
| (r'^\s{2,}', r'^\s{2,}')
| |
| ],
| |
| 'html': [
| |
| (r'^<(!DOCTYPE|html|head|body|div|p|a|script|style)', r'^<(!DOCTYPE|html|head|body|div|p|a|script|style)'),
| |
| (r'^<\w+.*>$', r'^\s{2,}<'),
| |
| (r'^\s{2,}<', r'^\s{2,}<')
| |
| ],
| |
| 'shell': [
| |
| (r'^(?:\$|\#)\s', r'^(?:\$|\#)\s'),
| |
| (r'^[a-z_]+\s*=', r'^[a-z_]+\s*=')
| |
| ],
| |
| 'bash': [
| |
| (r'^(?:#!/bin/bash|alias|export|source)\s', r'^(?:#!/bin/bash|alias|export|source|echo|read|if|for|while|case|function)\s'),
| |
| (r'^(?:if|for|while|case|function)\s', r'^\s{2,}'),
| |
| (r'^\s{2,}', r'^\s{2,}')
| |
| ],
| |
| 'cpp': [
| |
| (r'^#include\s*<', r'^(?:#include|using|namespace|class|struct|enum|template|typedef)\s'),
| |
| (r'^(?:class|struct|enum)\s+\w+', r'^\s{2,}'),
| |
| (r'^\s{2,}', r'^\s{2,}')
| |
| ],
| |
| 'java': [
| |
| (r'^(?:import|package)\s+\w+', r'^(?:import|package|public|private|protected|class|interface|enum)\s'),
| |
| (r'^(?:public|private|protected)\s+class\s+\w+', r'^\s{4,}'),
| |
| (r'^\s{4,}', r'^\s{4,}')
| |
| ],
| |
| 'json': [
| |
| (r'^\s*{', r'^\s*["{[]'),
| |
| (r'^\s*"', r'^\s*["}],?$'),
| |
| (r'^\s*\[', r'^\s*[}\]],?$')
| |
| ]
| |
| }
| |
| |
| for lang, pattern_pairs in patterns.items():
| |
| for prev_pattern, curr_pattern in pattern_pairs:
| |
| if (re.match(prev_pattern, prev_line.strip()) and
| |
| re.match(curr_pattern, current_line.strip())):
| |
| return lang
| |
| |
| return None
| |
| | |
| def process_text_block(self, block, page_height, links, list_counter, in_code_block, code_block_content, code_block_lang, prev_line):
| |
| """Process a text block and convert it to markdown."""
| |
| try:
| |
| block_rect = block["bbox"]
| |
| if block_rect[1] < 50 or block_rect[3] > page_height - 50:
| |
| return "" # Skip headers and footers
| |
| | |
| block_text = ""
| |
| last_y1 = None
| |
| last_font_size = None
| |
| | |
| for line in block["lines"]:
| |
| line_text = ""
| |
| curr_font_size = [span["size"] for span in line["spans"]]
| |
| | |
| for span in line["spans"]:
| |
| text = span["text"]
| |
| font_size = span["size"]
| |
| flags = span["flags"]
| |
| span_rect = span["bbox"]
| |
| | |
| if self.is_horizontal_line(text):
| |
| line_text += "\n---\n"
| |
| continue
| |
| |
| text = self.clean_text(text)
| |
| | |
| if text.strip():
| |
| header_level = self.get_header_level(font_size)
| |
| if header_level > 0:
| |
| text = f"\n{'#' * header_level} {text}\n\n"
| |
| | |
| else:
| |
| is_list_item = self.is_bullet_point(text) or self.is_numbered_list_item(text)
| |
| | |
| if is_list_item:
| |
| marker, content = re.split(r'(?<=^[•◦▪▫●○\d.)])\s*', text, 1)
| |
| formatted_content = self.apply_formatting(content, flags)
| |
| text = f"{marker} {formatted_content}"
| |
| else:
| |
| text = self.apply_formatting(text, flags)
| |
| |
| for link in links:
| |
| if fitz.Rect(span_rect).intersects(link["rect"]):
| |
| text = f"[{text.strip()}]({link['uri']})"
| |
| break
| |
| | |
| line_text += text
| |
| | |
| if last_y1 is not None:
| |
| avg_last_font_size = sum(last_font_size) / len(last_font_size) if last_font_size else 0
| |
| avg_current_font_size = sum(curr_font_size) / len(curr_font_size)
| |
| font_size_changed = abs(avg_current_font_size - avg_last_font_size) > 1
| |
| | |
| if abs(line["bbox"][3] - last_y1) > 2 or font_size_changed:
| |
| block_text += "\n"
| |
| |
| block_text += self.clean_text(line_text) + " "
| |
| last_font_size = curr_font_size
| |
| last_y1 = line["bbox"][3]
| |
| | |
| markdown_content = ""
| |
| lines = block_text.split('\n')
| |
| for i, line in enumerate(lines):
| |
| clean_line = self.clean_text(line)
| |
| | |
| if not in_code_block:
| |
| code_lang = self.detect_code_block(prev_line, clean_line)
| |
| if code_lang:
| |
| in_code_block = True
| |
| code_block_lang = code_lang
| |
| code_block_content = prev_line + "\n" + clean_line + "\n"
| |
| prev_line = clean_line
| |
| continue
| |
| | |
| if in_code_block:
| |
| code_block_content += clean_line + "\n"
| |
| if i == len(lines) - 1 or self.detect_code_block(clean_line, lines[i+1]) != code_block_lang:
| |
| markdown_content += f"```{code_block_lang}\n{code_block_content}```\n\n"
| |
| in_code_block = False
| |
| code_block_content = ""
| |
| code_block_lang = None
| |
| else:
| |
| if self.is_bullet_point(clean_line):
| |
| markdown_content += "\n" + self.convert_bullet_to_markdown(clean_line)
| |
| list_counter = 0
| |
| elif self.is_numbered_list_item(clean_line):
| |
| list_counter += 1
| |
| markdown_content += "\n" + self.convert_numbered_list_to_markdown(clean_line, list_counter)
| |
| else:
| |
| markdown_content += f"{clean_line}\n"
| |
| list_counter = 0
| |
| | |
| prev_line = clean_line
| |
| | |
| return markdown_content + "\n"
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error processing text block: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return ""
| |
| | |
| def process_image_block(self, page, block):
| |
| """Process an image block and convert it to markdown."""
| |
| try:
| |
| image_rect = block["bbox"]
| |
| pix = page.get_pixmap(clip=image_rect)
| |
| image = Image.frombytes("RGB", [pix.width, pix.height], pix.samples)
| |
| |
| image_filename = f"{self.pdf_filename}_image_{int(page.number)+1}_{block['number']}.png"
| |
| image.save(f"outputs/{image_filename}")
| |
| | |
| caption = self.caption_image(image)
| |
| | |
| return f"![{caption}]({image_filename})\n\n"
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error processing image block: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return ""
| |
| | |
| def get_header_level(self, font_size):
| |
| """Determine header level based on font size."""
| |
| if font_size > 24:
| |
| return 1
| |
| elif font_size > 20:
| |
| return 2
| |
| elif font_size > 18:
| |
| return 3
| |
| elif font_size > 16:
| |
| return 4
| |
| elif font_size > 14:
| |
| return 5
| |
| elif font_size > 12:
| |
| return 6
| |
| else:
| |
| return 0
| |
| | |
| def post_process_markdown(self, markdown_content):
| |
| """Post-process the markdown content."""
| |
| try:
| |
| markdown_content = re.sub(r'\n{3,}', '\n\n', markdown_content) # Remove excessive newlines
| |
| markdown_content = re.sub(r'(\d+)\s*\n', '', markdown_content) # Remove page numbers
| |
| markdown_content = re.sub(r' +', ' ', markdown_content) # Remove multiple spaces
| |
| markdown_content = re.sub(r'\s*(---\n)+', '\n\n---\n', markdown_content) # Remove duplicate horizontal lines
| |
| | |
| def remove_middle_headers(match):
| |
| line = match.group(0)
| |
| # Keep the initial header and remove all subsequent '#' characters
| |
| return re.sub(r'(^#{1,6}\s).*?(?=\n)', lambda m: m.group(1) + re.sub(r'#', '', m.group(0)[len(m.group(1)):]), line)
| |
| |
| markdown_content = re.sub(r'^#{1,6}\s.*\n', remove_middle_headers, markdown_content, flags=re.MULTILINE) # Remove headers in the middle of lines
| |
| return markdown_content
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error post-processing markdown: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| return markdown_content
| |
| | |
| def save_markdown(self, markdown_content):
| |
| """Save the markdown content to a file."""
| |
| try:
| |
| os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True)
| |
| with open(f"outputs/{self.pdf_filename}.md", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
| |
| f.write(markdown_content)
| |
| self.logger.info("Markdown content saved successfully.")
| |
| except Exception as e:
| |
| self.logger.error(f"Error saving markdown content: {e}")
| |
| self.logger.exception(traceback.format_exc())
| |
| | |
| def main():
| |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract markdown-formatted content from a PDF file.")
| |
| parser.add_argument("pdf_path", help="Path to the input PDF file")
| |
| args = parser.parse_args()
| |
| | |
| extractor = MarkdownPDFExtractor(args.pdf_path)
| |
| markdown_pages = extractor.extract()
| |
| return markdown_pages
| |
| | |
| if __name__ == "__main__":
| |
| main()
| |