(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| #https://github.com/camelot-dev/camelot/wiki/Comparison-with-other-PDF-Table-Extraction-libraries-and-tools
| | Kotoba |
| #https://datascience.blog.wzb.eu/category/pdfs/
| |
| import os, sys, json, re, pathlib
| |
| import base64, io
| |
| import subprocess
| |
| import numpy as np
| |
| import pandas as pd
| |
| import requests
| |
| | |
| subprocess.run(["echo","$VIRTUAL_ENV"],shell=True)
| |
| baseDir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/lav/dauvi/portfolio/audit/'
| |
| fName = "foo"
| |
| fName = "am35"
| |
| fName = "iplex_nx"
| |
| fName = "AM5386"
| |
| #fName = "Policies"
| |
| fPath = baseDir + fName + '.pdf'
| |
| fUrl = "https://www.olympus-ims.com/en/rvi-products/iplex-nx/#!cms[focus]=cmsContent13653"
| |
| | |
| #-------------------------------------------------unstructured-----------------------------------
| |
| from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredPDFLoader
| |
| loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader(fPath, mode="elements")
| |
| data = loader.load()
| |
| | |
| from typing import Any
| |
| from pydantic import BaseModel
| |
| from unstructured.partition.pdf import partition_pdf
| |
| from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
| |
| from langchain.schema.messages import HumanMessage
| |
| from PIL import Image
| |
| | |
| elements = partition_pdf(filename=fPath,extract_images_in_pdf=True,infer_table_structure=True,chunking_strategy="by_title",max_characters=4000,new_after_n_chars=3800,combine_text_under_n_chars=2000,image_output_dir_path=baseDir+"pdfImages/")
| |
| | |
| llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4-vision-preview")
| |
| def image_to_base64(image_path):
| |
| with Image.open(image_path) as image:
| |
| buffered = io.BytesIO()
| |
| image.save(buffered, format=image.format)
| |
| img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue())
| |
| return img_str.decode('utf-8')
| |
| | |
| image_str = image_to_base64("static/pdfImages/figure-15-6.jpg")
| |
| chat = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4-vision-preview",max_tokens=1024)
| |
| msg = chat.invoke([HumanMessage(content=[{"type": "text", "text" : "Please give a summary of the image provided. Be descriptive"},{"type": "image_url","image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_str}"},},])])
| |
| msg.content
| |
| | |
| #-------------------------------------pypdfium2-------------------------------------------------
| |
| from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFium2Loader
| |
| loader = PyPDFium2Loader(fPath)
| |
| data = loader.load()
| |
| | |
| #----------------------------------------pdfminer------------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from langchain_community.document_loaders import PDFMinerLoader
| |
| from langchain_community.document_loaders import PDFMinerPDFasHTMLLoader
| |
| | |
| loader = PDFMinerPDFasHTMLLoader(fPath)
| |
| data = loader.load()
| |
| | |
| #-----------------------------------------texatract----------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from langchain_community.document_loaders import AmazonTextractPDFLoader
| |
| from textractor.data.constants import TextractFeatures
| |
| from textractor import TExtractor
| |
| from textractor import Textractor
| |
| | |
| | |
| loader = AmazonTextractPDFLoader(baseDir + "szx7.png")
| |
| documents = loader.load()
| |
| extractor = TExtractor(profile_name="default")
| |
| document = extractor.analyze_document(
| |
| file_source=baseDir + "szx7.png",
| |
| features=[TextractFeatures.TABLES]
| |
| )
| |
| document.tables[0].to_excel(baseDir+"output.xlsx")
| |
| | |
| extractor = Textractor(profile_name="default")
| |
| from textractor.data.constants import TextractFeatures
| |
| document = extractor.analyze_document(
| |
| file_source="tests/fixtures/form.png",
| |
| features=[TextractFeatures.TABLES]
| |
| )
| |
| document.tables[0].to_excel("output.xlsx")
| |
| | |
| | |
| #-----------------------------------------azure------------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| %pip install --upgrade --quiet langchain langchain-community azure-ai-documentintelligence
| |
| from langchain_community.document_loaders import AzureAIDocumentIntelligenceLoader
| |
| loader = AzureAIDocumentIntelligenceLoader(api_endpoint="", api_key="", file_path=fPath, api_model="prebuilt-layout")
| |
| documents = loader.load()
| |
| | |
| #-------------------------------------------upstage---------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from langchain_upstage import UpstageLayoutAnalysisLoader
| |
| |
| loader = UpstageLayoutAnalysisLoader(fPath)
| |
| data = loader.load()
| |
| | |
| #----------------------------------------------agent-chunking-------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from langchain.output_parsers.openai_tools import JsonOutputToolsParser
| |
| from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
| |
| from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
| |
| from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableLambda
| |
| from langchain.chains import create_extraction_chain
| |
| from typing import Optional, List
| |
| from langchain.chains import create_extraction_chain_pydantic
| |
| from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
| |
| from langchain import hub
| |
| | |
| obj = hub.pull("wfh/proposal-indexing")
| |
| llm = ChatOpenAI(model='gpt-4-1106-preview', openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY", 'YouKey'))
| |
| runnable = obj | llm
| |
| | |
| class Sentences(BaseModel):
| |
| sentences: List[str]
| |
| |
| extraction_chain = create_extraction_chain_pydantic(pydantic_schema=Sentences, llm=llm)
| |
| def get_propositions(text):
| |
| runnable_output = runnable.invoke({"input": text}).content
| |
| propositions = extraction_chain.run(runnable_output)[0].sentences
| |
| return propositions
| |
| | |
| with open(baseDir + "AM5386" + '.txt') as f:
| |
| essay = f.read()
| |
| | |
| paragraphs = essay.split("\n\n")
| |
| len(paragraphs)
| |
| essay_propositions = []
| |
| for i, para in enumerate(paragraphs[:5]):
| |
| propositions = get_propositions(para)
| |
| essay_propositions.extend(propositions)
| |
| print (f"Done with {i}")
| |
| | |
| print (f"You have {len(essay_propositions)} propositions")
| |
| essay_propositions[:10]
| |
| | |
| #------------------------------------mathpix----------------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from langchain_community.document_loaders import MathpixPDFLoader
| |
| loader = MathpixPDFLoader(fPath)
| |
| | |
| #------------------------------------diffbot--------------------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from langchain_experimental.graph_transformers.diffbot import DiffbotGraphTransformer
| |
| diffbot_nlp = DiffbotGraphTransformer(diffbot_api_key=os.getenv("DIFFBOT_API_KEY", 'YourKey'))
| |
| text = """
| |
| Greg is friends with Bobby. San Francisco is a great city, but New York is amazing.
| |
| Greg lives in New York.
| |
| """
| |
| docs = [Document(page_content=text)]
| |
| graph_documents = diffbot_nlp.convert_to_graph_documents(docs)
| |
| graph_documents
| |
| |
| #-------------------------------------------------tika-------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| import tika
| |
| tika.initVM()
| |
| from tika import parser, detector
| |
| parsed = parser.from_file(fPath,xmlContent=True)
| |
| print(parsed["content"])
| |
| print(detector.from_file(fPath))
| |
| | |
| #---------------------------------------------------pymupdf---------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| import pymupdf
| |
| import pymupdf4llm
| |
| import markdown
| |
| with pymupdf.open(fPath) as doc:
| |
| text = chr(12).join([page.get_text() for page in doc])
| |
| | |
| pathlib.Path(baseDir + fName + ".txt").write_bytes(text.encode())
| |
| md_text = pymupdf4llm.to_markdown(fPath)
| |
| pathlib.Path(baseDir + fName + ".md").write_bytes(md_text.encode())
| |
| html_text = markdown(md_text,extensions=['markdown.extensions.tables'])
| |
| pathlib.Path(baseDir + fName + ".html").write_bytes(html_text.encode())
| |
| | |
| #---------------------------------------beatifulsoup---------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
| |
| with open(baseDir + fName + '.html') as fByte:
| |
| fString = fByte.read()
| |
| response = requests.get(fUrl)
| |
| | |
| with open(baseDir + 'iplex.html','w') as fByte:
| |
| fByte.write(response.text)
| |
| | |
| soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
| |
| tableL = soup.find_all('table')
| |
| tableS = "".join([str(t) for t in tableL])
| |
| tabDf = pd.read_html(tableS)
| |
| for tab in tableL:
| |
| t = str(tab)
| |
| if re.search("flexibility gradually",t):
| |
| tabD = pd.read_html(t, header=[0,1])[0]
| |
| break
| |
| tabD.to_csv(baseDir + "implex.csv",index=False)
| |
| | |
| #------------------------------------------pdftabextract------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from pdftabextract import imgproc
| |
| from pdftabextract.common import read_xml, parse_pages
| |
| from math import radians, degrees
| |
| from pdftabextract.common import ROTATION, SKEW_X, SKEW_Y
| |
| from pdftabextract.geom import pt
| |
| from pdftabextract.textboxes import rotate_textboxes, deskew_textboxes
| |
| from pdftabextract.clustering import find_clusters_1d_break_dist
| |
| from pdftabextract.clustering import calc_cluster_centers_1d
| |
| from pdftabextract.clustering import zip_clusters_and_values
| |
| from pdftabextract.textboxes import border_positions_from_texts, split_texts_by_positions, join_texts
| |
| from pdftabextract.common import all_a_in_b, DIRECTION_VERTICAL
| |
| from pdftabextract.extract import make_grid_from_positions
| |
| from pdftabextract.common import save_page_grids
| |
| from pdftabextract.extract import fit_texts_into_grid, datatable_to_dataframe
| |
| | |
| xPath = baseDir + "output.xml"
| |
| xmltree, xmlroot = read_xml(xPath)
| |
| p_num = 3
| |
| p = pages[p_num]
| |
| pages = parse_pages(xmlroot)
| |
| imgfilebasename = p['image'][:p['image'].rindex('.')]
| |
| imgfile = os.path.join(baseDir, p['image'])
| |
| print("page %d: detecting lines in image file '%s'..." % (p_num, imgfile))
| |
| iproc_obj = imgproc.ImageProc(imgfile)
| |
| page_scaling_x = iproc_obj.img_w / p['width'] # scaling in X-direction
| |
| page_scaling_y = iproc_obj.img_h / p['height'] # scaling in Y-direction
| |
| lines_hough = iproc_obj.detect_lines(canny_kernel_size=3, canny_low_thresh=50, canny_high_thresh=150,
| |
| hough_rho_res=1,
| |
| hough_theta_res=np.pi/500,
| |
| hough_votes_thresh=round(0.2 * iproc_obj.img_w))
| |
| print("> found %d lines" % len(lines_hough))
| |
| import cv2
| |
| def save_image_w_lines(iproc_obj, imgfilebasename):
| |
| img_lines = iproc_obj.draw_lines(orig_img_as_background=True)
| |
| img_lines_file = os.path.join(baseDir, '%s-lines-orig.png' % imgfilebasename)
| |
| |
| print("> saving image with detected lines to '%s'" % img_lines_file)
| |
| cv2.imwrite(img_lines_file, img_lines)
| |
| | |
| save_image_w_lines(iproc_obj, imgfilebasename)
| |
| rot_or_skew_type, rot_or_skew_radians = iproc_obj.find_rotation_or_skew(radians(0.5),
| |
| radians(1),
| |
| omit_on_rot_thresh=radians(0.5))
| |
| | |
| needs_fix = True
| |
| if rot_or_skew_type == ROTATION:
| |
| print("> rotating back by %f°" % -degrees(rot_or_skew_radians))
| |
| rotate_textboxes(p, -rot_or_skew_radians, pt(0, 0))
| |
| elif rot_or_skew_type in (SKEW_X, SKEW_Y):
| |
| print("> deskewing in direction '%s' by %f°" % (rot_or_skew_type, -degrees(rot_or_skew_radians)))
| |
| deskew_textboxes(p, -rot_or_skew_radians, rot_or_skew_type, pt(0, 0))
| |
| else:
| |
| needs_fix = False
| |
| print("> no page rotation / skew found")
| |
| if needs_fix:
| |
| lines_hough = iproc_obj.apply_found_rotation_or_skew(rot_or_skew_type, -rot_or_skew_radians)
| |
| save_image_w_lines(iproc_obj, imgfilebasename + '-repaired')
| |
| | |
| output_files_basename = xPath[:xPath.rindex('.')]
| |
| repaired_xmlfile = os.path.join(xPath, output_files_basename + '.repaired.xml')
| |
| print("saving repaired XML file to '%s'..." % repaired_xmlfile)
| |
| xmltree.write(repaired_xmlfile)
| |
| | |
| |
| vertical_clusters = iproc_obj.find_clusters(imgproc.DIRECTION_VERTICAL, find_clusters_1d_break_dist,
| |
| remove_empty_cluster_sections_use_texts=p['texts'],
| |
| remove_empty_cluster_sections_n_texts_ratio=0.1,
| |
| remove_empty_cluster_sections_scaling=page_scaling_x,
| |
| dist_thresh=MIN_COL_WIDTH/2)
| |
| print("> found %d clusters" % len(vertical_clusters))
| |
| img_w_clusters = iproc_obj.draw_line_clusters(imgproc.DIRECTION_VERTICAL, vertical_clusters)
| |
| save_img_file = os.path.join(baseDir, '%s-vertical-clusters.png' % imgfilebasename)
| |
| print("> saving image with detected vertical clusters to '%s'" % save_img_file)
| |
| cv2.imwrite(save_img_file, img_w_clusters)
| |
| page_colpos = np.array(calc_cluster_centers_1d(vertical_clusters)) / page_scaling_x
| |
| print('found %d column borders:' % len(page_colpos))
| |
| print(page_colpos)
| |
| col2_rightborder = page_colpos[2]
| |
| median_text_height = np.median([t['height'] for t in p['texts']])
| |
| text_height_deviation_thresh = median_text_height / 2
| |
| texts_cols_1_2 = [t for t in p['texts']
| |
| if t['right'] <= col2_rightborder
| |
| and abs(t['height'] - median_text_height) <= text_height_deviation_thresh]
| |
| borders_y = border_positions_from_texts(texts_cols_1_2, DIRECTION_VERTICAL)
| |
| clusters_y = find_clusters_1d_break_dist(borders_y, dist_thresh=median_text_height/2)
| |
| clusters_w_vals = zip_clusters_and_values(clusters_y, borders_y)
| |
| pos_y = calc_cluster_centers_1d(clusters_w_vals)
| |
| pos_y.append(p['height'])
| |
| print('number of line positions:', len(pos_y))
| |
| pttrn_table_row_beginning = re.compile(r'^[\d Oo][\d Oo]{2,} +[A-ZÄÖÜ]')
| |
| texts_cols_1_2_per_line = split_texts_by_positions(texts_cols_1_2, pos_y, DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
| |
| alignment='middle',
| |
| enrich_with_positions=True)
| |
| for line_texts, (line_top, line_bottom) in texts_cols_1_2_per_line:
| |
| line_str = join_texts(line_texts)
| |
| if pttrn_table_row_beginning.match(line_str):
| |
| top_y = line_top
| |
| break
| |
| else:
| |
| top_y = 0
| |
| | |
| words_in_footer = ('anzeige', 'annahme', 'ala')
| |
| min_footer_text_height = median_text_height * 1.5
| |
| min_footer_y_pos = p['height'] * 0.7
| |
| bottom_texts = [t for t in p['texts']
| |
| if t['top'] >= min_footer_y_pos and t['height'] >= min_footer_text_height]
| |
| bottom_texts_per_line = split_texts_by_positions(bottom_texts,
| |
| pos_y + [p['height']],
| |
| |
| alignment='middle',
| |
| enrich_with_positions=True)
| |
| page_span = page_colpos[-1] - page_colpos[0]
| |
| min_footer_text_width = page_span * 0.8
| |
| for line_texts, (line_top, line_bottom) in bottom_texts_per_line:
| |
| line_str = join_texts(line_texts)
| |
| has_wide_footer_text = any(t['width'] >= min_footer_text_width for t in line_texts)
| |
| if has_wide_footer_text or all_a_in_b(words_in_footer, line_str):
| |
| bottom_y = line_top
| |
| break
| |
| else:
| |
| bottom_y = p['height']
| |
| | |
| page_rowpos = [y for y in pos_y if top_y <= y <= bottom_y]
| |
| print("> page %d: %d lines between [%f, %f]" % (p_num, len(page_rowpos), top_y, bottom_y))
| |
| grid = make_grid_from_positions(page_colpos, page_rowpos)
| |
| n_rows = len(grid)
| |
| n_cols = len(grid[0])
| |
| print("> page %d: grid with %d rows, %d columns" % (p_num, n_rows, n_cols))
| |
| page_grids_file = os.path.join(baseDir, output_files_basename + '.pagegrids_p3_only.json')
| |
| print("saving page grids JSON file to '%s'" % page_grids_file)
| |
| save_page_grids({p_num: grid}, page_grids_file)
| |
| datatable = fit_texts_into_grid(p['texts'], grid)
| |
| df = datatable_to_dataframe(datatable)
| |
| df.head(n=10)
| |
| csv_output_file = os.path.join(baseDir, output_files_basename + '-p3_only.csv')
| |
| print("saving extracted data to '%s'" % csv_output_file)
| |
| df.to_csv(csv_output_file, index=False)
| |
| excel_output_file = os.path.join(baseDir, output_files_basename + '-p3_only.xlsx')
| |
| print("saving extracted data to '%s'" % excel_output_file)
| |
| df.to_excel(excel_output_file, index=False)
| |
| | |
| | |
| #------------------------------------------table-extract-------------------------------------------
| |
| import pdftableextract as pdf
| |
| root, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fPath))
| |
| pages = ['1']
| |
| cells = [pdf.process_page(sys.argv[1], p) for p in pages]
| |
| cells = [cell for row in cells for cell in row]
| |
| | |
| tables = pdf.table_to_list(cells, pages)
| |
| for i, table in enumerate(tables[1:]):
| |
| df = pd.DataFrame(table)
| |
| out = '{}-page-1-table-{}.csv'.format(root, i + 1)
| |
| df.to_csv(out, index=False, quoting=1, encoding='utf-8')
| |
| | |
| #-------------------------------pdftables------------------------------------------------
| |
| resq = requests.post("https://pdftables.com/api?key="+os.environ['PDFTABLES_KEY']+"&format=xlsx-single")
| |
| | |
| | |
| #-------------------------------tika--------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| import tika
| |
| tika.initVM()
| |
| from tika import parser
| |
| parsed = parser.from_file(fPath)
| |
| print(parsed["metadata"])
| |
| print(parsed["content"])
| |
| |
| #----------------------------pypdf------------------------------------------------
| |
| from pypdf import PdfReader
| |
| reader = PdfReader(fPath)
| |
| number_of_pages = len(reader.pages)
| |
| page = reader.pages[0]
| |
| text = page.extract_text()
| |
| | |
| #----------------------------llmsherpa-------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from llmsherpa.readers import LayoutPDFReader
| |
| pdf_reader = LayoutPDFReader("https://readers.llmsherpa.com/api/document/developer/parseDocument?renderFormat=all")
| |
| doc = pdf_reader.read_pdf(fPath)
| |
| docL = []
| |
| for s in doc.sections():
| |
| sectS = ''
| |
| for p in s.children:
| |
| sectS += p.to_text()
| |
| if sectS == '':
| |
| sectS = '-'
| |
| docL.append(Document(text=sectS,metadata={"sect":s.to_context_text(),"lev":s.level}))
| |
| for t in doc.tables():
| |
| docL.append(Document(text=t.to_text(),metadata={"table":s.block_idx,"lev":t.level}))
| |
| | |
| #---------------------------------------------pymupdf---------------------------
| |
| | |
| import pymupdf4llm
| |
| import pymupdf
| |
| md_text = pymupdf4llm.to_markdown(pdf_doc,pages=[0,1])
| |
| md_text = pymupdf4llm.to_markdown(pdf_doc)
| |
| # parser = LlamaParse(api_key="...",result_type="markdown")
| |
| # documents = parser.load_data("./my_file.pdf")
| |
| #single_sentences_list = re.split(r'(?<=[.?!])\s+', essay)
| |
| headers_split = [("#", "Chapter"),("##", "Section"),('###','Subsection')]
| |
| splitter = MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter(headers_split)#,strip_headers=True,return_each_line=False,)
| |
| docL = splitter.split_text(md_text)
| |
| #splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size = 1000, chunk_overlap=200)
| |
| #splitter = SentenceSplitter(chunk_size=200,chunk_overlap=15)
| |
| #elements = partition_pdf(filename=pdf_doc,strategy="hi_res",infer_table_structure=True,model_name="yolox")
| |
| | |
| os.environ["LLAMA_CLOUD_API_KEY"] = "llx-"
| |
| llm = get_llm()
| |
| parsing_instructions = '''The document describes IT security policies for audit. It contains many tables. Answer questions using the information in this article and be precise.'''
| |
| documents = LlamaParse(result_type="markdown", parsing_instructions=parsing_instructions).load_data(pdf_doc)
| |
| print(documents[0].text[:1000])
| |
| node_parser = MarkdownElementNodeParser(llm=llm, num_workers=8).from_defaults()
| |
| nodes = node_parser.get_nodes_from_documents(documents)
| |
| base_nodes, objects = node_parser.get_nodes_and_objects(nodes)
| |
| | |
| #-------------------------------------------pypdf2------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
| |
| text = ""
| |
| docL = []
| |
| for pdf in pdf_docs:
| |
| pdf_reader = PdfReader(pdf)
| |
| for i, page in enumerate(pdf_reader.pages):
| |
| text = page.extract_text()
| |
| docL.append(Document(text=text,metadata={"page":i}))
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| #-----------------------------------camelot-----------------------------
| |
| | |
| import camelot
| |
| tables = camelot.read_pdf(fPath)
| |
| tDf = tables[0].df
| |
| tDf.to_csv(baseDir + fName + ".csv")
| |
| | |
| #----------------------------------pdf-plumber-------------------------------
| |
| | |
| import fitz
| |
| import pdfplumber
| |
| from collections import Counter
| |
| from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
| |
| from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate
| |
| from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
| |
| from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Preformatted
| |
| | |
| font_size_counter = Counter()
| |
| with pdfplumber.open(fPath) as pdf:
| |
| for i in range(len(pdf.pages)):
| |
| words = pdf.pages[i].extract_words(extra_attrs=['fontname', 'size'])
| |
| lines = {}
| |
| for word in words:
| |
| line_num = word['top']
| |
| if line_num not in lines:
| |
| lines[line_num] = []
| |
| lines[line_num].append(word)
| |
| for line_words in lines.values():
| |
| font_size_counter[line_words[0]['size']] += 1
| |
| | |
| repeated_sizes = [size for size, count in font_size_counter.items() if count > 1]
| |
| extracted_font_size = max(repeated_sizes)
| |
| | |
| chunks = extract_chunks_from_pdf(fPath, markers)
| |
| | |
| | |
| lines_with_target_font_size = []
| |
| with pdfplumber.open(fPath) as pdf:
| |
| for i in range(len(pdf.pages)):
| |
| words = pdf.pages[i].extract_words(extra_attrs=['fontname', 'size'])
| |
| lines = {}
| |
| for word in words:
| |
| line_num = word['top']
| |
| if line_num not in lines:
| |
| lines[line_num] = []
| |
| lines[line_num].append(word)
| |
| for line_num, line_words in lines.items():
| |
| line_font_sizes = [word['size'] for word in line_words]
| |
| if target_font_size in line_font_sizes:
| |
| line_text = ' '.join([word['text'] for word in line_words])
| |
| lines_with_target_font_size.append(line_text)
| |
| | |
| extracted_font_size = lines_with_target_font_size
| |
| |
| doc = SimpleDocTemplate(output_fPath, pagesize=letter)
| |
| styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
| |
| story = []
| |
| for chunk in chunks:
| |
| preformatted = Preformatted(chunk, styles["Normal"])
| |
| story.append(preformatted)
| |
| doc.build(story)
| |
| | |
| if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
| |
| os.makedirs(output_folder)
| |
| for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks, start=1):
| |
| output_fPath = os.path.join(output_folder, f"output_pdf_part{i}.pdf")
| |
| write_chunks_to_pdf([chunk], output_fPath)
| |
| | |
| chunks = []
| |
| current_chunk = []
| |
| current_marker_index = 0
| |
| pdf_document = fitz.open(fPath)
| |
| for page_num in range(pdf_document.page_count):
| |
| page = pdf_document[page_num]
| |
| text = page.get_text("text")
| |
| lines = text.split('\n')
| |
| for line in lines:
| |
| if current_marker_index < len(markers) and markers[current_marker_index] in line:
| |
| if current_chunk:
| |
| chunks.append('\n'.join(current_chunk))
| |
| current_chunk = []
| |
| current_marker_index += 1
| |
| current_chunk.append(line)
| |
| if current_chunk:
| |
| chunks.append('\n'.join(current_chunk))
| |
| pdf_document.close()
| |
| output_folder = "output"
| |
| | |
| #--------------------------------------------------------adobe---------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.auth.service_principal_credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.exception.exceptions import ServiceApiException, ServiceUsageException, SdkException
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.io.cloud_asset import CloudAsset
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.io.stream_asset import StreamAsset
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdf_services import PDFServices
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdf_services_media_type import PDFServicesMediaType
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfjobs.jobs.export_pdf_job import ExportPDFJob
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfjobs.params.export_pdf.export_pdf_params import ExportPDFParams
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfjobs.params.export_pdf.export_pdf_target_format import ExportPDFTargetFormat
| |
| from adobe.pdfservices.operation.pdfjobs.result.export_pdf_result import ExportPDFResult
| |
| | |
| credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
| |
| client_id=os.getenv('PDF_SERVICES_CLIENT_ID'),
| |
| client_secret=os.getenv('PDF_SERVICES_CLIENT_SECRET'))
| |
| pdf_services = PDFServices(credentials=credentials)
| |
| file = open('src/resources/Bodea Brochure.pdf', 'rb')
| |
| input_stream = file.read()
| |
| file.close()
| |
| input_asset = pdf_services.upload(input_stream=input_stream, mime_type=PDFServicesMediaType.PDF)
| |
| export_pdf_params = ExportPDFParams(target_format=ExportPDFTargetFormat.DOCX)
| |
| export_pdf_job = ExportPDFJob(input_asset=input_asset, export_pdf_params=export_pdf_params)
| |
| location = pdf_services.submit(export_pdf_job)
| |
| pdf_services_response = pdf_services.get_job_result(location, ExportPDFResult)
| |
| result_asset: CloudAsset = pdf_services_response.get_result().get_asset()
| |
| stream_asset: StreamAsset = pdf_services.get_content(result_asset)
| |
| output_file_path = "./Bodea Brochure.docx"
| |
| with open(output_file_path, "wb") as file:
| |
| file.write(stream_asset.get_input_stream())
| |
| | |
| #-----------------------------------nougat-ocr----------------------------------
| |
| #-----------------------------------marker-pdf----------------------------------
| |
| | |
| |
| print("te se qe te ve be te ne?")
| |
| | |
| #https://www.jnjmedtech.com/system/files/pdf/090912-220322%20DSUS_EMEA%20Large%20Bone%20Saw%20Blades%20Product%20Brochure.pdf
| |