weather predictions


We have collected an historical series of weather data: weather_h

darksky data collected from darkskay api

Data contains a series of features, some are categorical, some continous.


We want to predict the event of rain.

Please note the difference between prediction and forecast and explain how you would run a forecast instead of a prediction.


To guide the execution we write a check list on few useful steps


It’s expected around 4h for the data analysis part plus the documentation/presentation


The quality of the final report will be evaluated together with the arguments to the discussion and data visualization. In case a good prediction accuracy won’t be reached it’s important to describe what are the expectations and what else can be done to improve the results.

In case of too high performances please review the feature selection.


Written report and used sources (in any preferred language).


How would you design a metric that is both business and data driven, closely aligned with revenue targets and based on CRM data?

Describe your approach and how you would build the metric considering the information you could access from a standard CRM database.


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and write a query calculating the sum of the compensation times the number of calls for each agent from the tables demo_agent and demo_history