Alternative schedulers and their usage.
Airflow is probably the most used scheduler with many features and pretty demanding in terms of resources.
airflow overview of airflow scheduler
We use the following docker-compose.yaml
to deploy airflow which includes the following containers
Each job is composed by a Direct Acyclic Graph which can be scheduled with a given frequency and starting time.
We use the crontab syntax to schedule the jobs:
min h day month day_name
The DAG can be called in python with the following operator which
calls the function parseS3
with DAG(dag_id="s3_pull",start_date=datetime.datetime(2022,11,14),tags=["froms3"],schedule='30 3 * * *') as dag:
def s3_pull():
parseS3(day="s3_pull", python_callable=s3_pull) PythonOperator(task_id
Here some python examples