We use routific to distribute tasks to drivers
routific dashboard
Limitations of routific:
An optimization engine find the best combination for assigning tasks to a fleet. To compare performances we create a set up of around 600 spots, 6 task types (with different priorities) and a fleet of 8 drivers
set up for the comparison
We prepare the job file and we send it to the routific api service and visualize the solution
routific solution explorer
We perform a visual inspection of routific work, we see that routes mix a lot
routes have internal intersection and operation areas cross
Sequences don’t make much sense
routifix sequence
In the city center where is harder to park many drivers cross the same streets
routifix mixing drivers
There are some long deviations and once on the spot routific is ignoring neighboring tasks and skipping important priorities
long routes
We observe long deviations for a single task
visual inspection of routific
Even if we have priority 1 over all tasks routes don’t make much sense
visual inspection of routific
Long deviations for driving on a tunnel where the scooter is on the ground
routed into a tunnel
Routific returns more stops than the number of tasks
routific and maximum capacity
Routific returns only the total drive time and we have to reroute the segments to calculate the actula driven distance