In this project we want to investigate main differences between the metrics on the call and lagged metrics
The lagged metrics considers a time span of 25 days when the customer could call again and turn around. The lagged metric loses around 10% customers
time series of on-call and lagged metrics
We have different metrics to predict
metrics to predict, on call and lagged
We clean the features
normalized feature distribution
We check the feature independency
correlation between features
Effect of afiniti agent on feature distribution
overlay of feature distribution
Overlay distribution of features on saved customers
overlay of feature distribution
Overlay distribution of featured of saved/lost customers
Overlay distribution of features: joyplot
We build a predictive model for the on-call metric
confusion matrix on prediction: on-call
We use the prediction of the previous model to predict the new metric
confusion matrix on prediction: lagged
We knock-out features to calculate the relative importance of that feature
knock-out of features from trained model: on-call
knock-out of features from trained model: lagged
We finally check the relative difference between on-call and lagged
relative difference between feature importance in lagged metrics
We can study the relative feature importance
feature importance (week overlay)
and see how it evolves week by week
relative importance week by week
We study over week how the relative importance of that metric dropw over time
importance difference relative to lagged metrics
We calculate the lift depending on categorical metrics
lift = SRon − SRoff
lift relative to categorical metrics
We look month per month how the association of agents per area varies over time
time series volume changes in cohorts
Shuffling among cohorts
reshuffling of agents cohorts