cloud providers
The main cloud providers for the ’20 decade are aws, gcp and azure but digitalocean, linode and others are used too. Here is a good overview on aws.
Filesystems are a great option for backups, cheap cold storage. Big files are usually stored in parquet
- aws s3
- gcp filestore
- azure files
- digitalocean space
query engine
- kubernetes
- microk8s
- openshift
- docker swarm
- aws EMR
- azure deltashare
- databricks
- aws Elastic Map Reduce
- aws ec2 instances
- gcp compute engine
- digitalocean droplet
ML ops
- aws sage maker
- ML flow
- Kubeflow
- netflix metaflow
- Kedro
- h2o autoML
warehouse, query
- aws athena: a serverless Analytics service to perform interactive queries over AWS S3
- aws redshift: fully managed, petabyte data warehouse service over the cloud
- gcp big query
- snowflake
- hadoop hive
load balancing
- celery
- asw elastic load balancer
- aws api gateway
data integration, ETL, batch processing
- aws glue
- aws lambda
- apache airflow
- gcp pubsub
- hadoop yarn
- snowflake (with storage)
- dbt
logs, tracking
- on prem elasticsearch
- on prem kibana, grafana
- aws cloudwatch
- prometheus
cloud monitoring
- apache kafka
- redpanda
- aws kinesis
business intelligence
- on prem metabase
- on prem superset
- azure powerBI, tableau